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Help protect our environment from landfill

$20,632 donated
Given by 222 generous donors in 4 years

Help us STOP a proposed landfill in the Dome Valley. Together we can protect the area, waterways and Kaipara Harbour for future generations.


Our group needs your help to fight against a huge landfill in the Dome Valley, Wellsford. Auckland council has approved resource consent so we are heading to the environment court to appeal this decision.

We are opposing the proposed Auckland Regional Landfill in the Dome Valley in order to protect the environment, Hoteo River, Wellsford town water and Kaipara Harbour, and to eliminate the impact of 300-500 extra trucks a day on SH1 through the notorious Dome Valley.

The proposed landfill is located in a valley on a tributary to the Hoteo River. This area has the highest rainfall in the Auckland region, intense flooding and is prone to slips which could breach the liner system and cause contamination to the surrounding environment. The Hoteo River flows into the Kaipara Harbour, our largest snapper breeding ground and habitat to many species - an important current and historic fishery for locals, iwi, the fishing industry and for recreational fishing. The site is adjacent to Department of Conservation land which includes the 'at risk' species of Hochstetters Frogs, and to 4 identified Wetlands on the Springhill site. We need your help to protect these significant waterways.

Our group has opposed this landfill through the submission process, submitting evidence from a range of experts. There are better locations and technologies that can instead be used. The recycling rate in NZ is far lower than other countries, and landfilling is a cheap method of disposal. Our team includes an ecologist, botanist, environmental scientist, iwi cultural adviser. We also have supporting evidence from a leading Environmental Engineer specialising in Waste Minimisation who has advised the govt & UN on waste strategy who supports our petition to ban landfills near waterways. With your help we will appeal the decision to grant resource consent through the Environment Court.

We also presented a petition to parliament to Ban landfills near waterways nationwide. We think putting a landfill near any waterway in NZ is totally unnecessary and poses a potential high risk of widespread and irreversible contamination in the event of any leachate leak. For more information please email or join our facebook group Fight the tip, Save the Dome.

Use of funds

Funds will be used for an Environmental Lawyer, advertising, billboards, costs to hire community facilities for meetings or any other costs used to fight this landfill. Any left over funds will be donated to local charities within the Rodney District.

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Hui 10th July 2021  15 July 2021

A HUGE THANKS to everyone who attended our hui on Saturday 10th July. What a wonderful feeling of togetherness and hope. Our strength is in our unity. So thank you to our wonderful community, iwi, legal, central & local government representatives & media. Your individual contributions and commitment to this collective fight make protecting our environment possible.

Special mentions to Rob (hall audio & visuals), Fred (entertainment) & Zandri (live stream), you helped make this a very successful event.

Te Ao Maori News coverage of our hui:

For anyone who wasn't there, here are livestream video's in order, along with notes on their content.

Video 1:

Content: Mikaera Miru (Fight the Tip/Te Uri o Hau) > Michelle Carmichael (Fight the Tip) > Alan Riwaka (Ngati Whatua) > Ringi Brown (Ngati Manuhiri) > Marja Lubeck (Labour MP) > Greg Sayers (Auckland Rodney Councillor) > Colin Smith (Rodney Local Board) > Jason Smith (Kaipara District Mayor) > Andrew Braggins (Environmental Lawyer for Fight the Tip) > Community questions

Video 2:

Content: Open forum & questions

Video 3:

Content: Open forum & questions > Michelle Carmichael - explaining witness forms > Open forum & questions > Mikaera Miru – closing > karakia > waiata


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Hugh on 19 Mar 2023
Go team
Allan on 19 Mar 2023
Silly place for a landfill. There must be a better way
Silly place for a landfill. There must be a better way on 31 Jul 2022
Keep up the great work. Thank you.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 Jun 2022
Kia kaha
Kara on 01 Jun 2022

Who's involved?

Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, FIGHT THE TIP: TIAKI TE WHENUA INCORPORATED (Group)
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This campaign started on 2 Feb 2019 and ended on 31 Mar 2023.