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Finn's Brain Tumour Journey

$13,301 donated
Given by 169 generous donors in one year

Raising funds to support a young family while one of their youngest fights brain cancer.


03/09/2022 is a date that Jono & Stacey will forever remember, the day they received news that no parent ever wants to receive, news that their beautiful wee Finny Loo (Fionnlagh) had a large tumour at the back of her brain.

In an instant, life as they knew it changed for the unforeseeable future.

Finn (a twin) is only 4 years old, and the twins are the youngest of five kids, five homeschooled kids. Stacey is usually the fulltime stay at home mum, and Jono is a dairy farmer.

Finn was taken to Starship hospital (2.5 hours from home) and has remained there since diagnosis, she has since had several CT scans, MRI scans, EVD surgery, and her brain surgery – a 9 hour surgery in which most of the tumour was removed from her brain.

Jono & Stacey have remained by Finns side, not only for her but also for each other, this has meant that Stacey’s Dad and Step Mum (who live 5 hours from them) have had to take time off work, so that they could be at home with the other kids.

Unfortunately there has been some side affects from the brain surgery & Finn has developed Cerebellar Mutism Syndrome (CMS), for Finn this means she has to have therapy to help her relearn to open her eyes, talk, move, & communicate.

There’s more bad news though, Finn's tumour looks to be Medulloblastoma, a malignant brain tumour, meaning Finn's fight is just beginning.

As you can imagine the financial pressure is beginning to build, and as this is going to be a long fight, this family need all the support they can get.

Courtney Williams' involvement (page creator)

I'm a friend of Stacey and Jono.

Use of funds

Anything you can give is greatly appreciated, and will go towards travel, childcare, food, time off work, supportive remedies and therapies and any other unforeseen expenses.

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Playing the waiting game!!!  5 May 2023

Posted by: Stacey Ross

Finn has officially finished treatment! We are waiting on and MRI at the end of May that will hopefully confirm she will be able to start living her little life again free of brain cancer!

If the results are positive and she is in the clear our next step is to start rehab/physio with her. We have the option for a space at an inpatient rehab facility in Auckland for a month. Unfortunately we won't be able to make it work right now in a way that doesn't change the rest of the families lives.

Our Waikato rehab team can offer Finn a grand total of one hour a week which isnt really going to cut it. So we have started to look for a private rehab/physio who specializes in paediatric/neurology/oncology. One local to our area is meeting with us in the next few weeks to see if we can make a plan that would suit Finn and us.

Last week I spoke to our Starship team about checking whether the brain injury Finn received during her surgery would fall within the scope of ACC cover. If it does, it would make the private costs of rehab and physio much more manageable. It currently doesn't look as though it will fit the criteria but we are still crossing our fingers.

Which leads me to where any new donations will be spent. All donations so far have gone into an acc for Finn and been used for anything directly involved with Finn and costs incurred by her cancer. It's been used to buy a second car so Jono and I could both have a car while Finn and I were in Auckland for radiation and Jono was at home on the farm. It's been used for gym equipment for use at home. Gym mats to put around her while she is on the floor so she can't knock her head, a pikler triangle for her to stand with and soft play equipment. It funded her tablet and any fun things we use to get through hospital stays. It's used for petrol and parking costs for her stays in both Starship and Waikato. It has helped us pay for any alternative, non hospital funded options we have tried in conjunction with surgery, radiation and chemo.

Any remaining funds and any new donations will be used to help pay for her private rehab and physio. Even if she does get accepted for ACC, there will still be costs involved that while we can and will manage, any help would still be appreciated. ❤️

Thank you all from the absolute bottom of our hearts for all of the love, support, messages and help you have given our family.

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Lisa on 06 May 2023
Lilly on 06 May 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 May 2023
Sending big love & hugs to this whānau. Stay strong.
Kim on 05 May 2023
Ursula on 05 May 2023
Wishing you so much love Finn

Who's involved?

Courtney  Williams's avatar
Created by Courtney Williams
Stacey Ross's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Stacey Ross
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This campaign started on 15 Sep 2022 and ended on 15 Sep 2023.