Five taonga (students) from Rotorua Primary School - Pukeroa Oruawhata are taking on the world in robotics!

$13,583 of $60,000 goal
Given by 120 generous donors in around 3 months

Pukeroa Oruawhata are taking on the world in robotics!

Rotorua, Bay Of Plenty

A team of 5 of their students have a passion for Aqua Bots - NZ’s first underwater robotics competition. This involves constructing and fine tuning an underwater robot, driving it through underwater obstacle courses and challenges as well as a presentation to a panel of judges outlining the methods and processes used. These taonga (students) have honed their skills in problem solving, teamwork, design and communication and explored engineering and scientific principles.

Hours of practice and unwavering self-belief instilled by their dedicated teaching team have paid off for this bunch. Despite being down one team member due to covid they recently took out the NZ national competition (announced 30/3/22) and they are now headed to the world championships in Maryland USA in early June to continue their journey.

Despite the tight time frame this school didn’t hesitate- they are committed to getting this dedicated group of taonga to the States to represent their Kura and wider Rotorua.

These tamariki are so excited about this trip of a lifetime and bringing their smarts and their culture to the world.

Because it is a low decile school and there are just 2 months between the national and world competitions to fundraise the school will be seeking sponsorship and charitable funding to cover costs wherever possible.

About us

RPS is a small school in central Rotorua with a big heart and a 96% Māori roll. The kura has a strong grounding in Te Ao Māori and their students are interweaving this with science and technology and embracing learning opportunities at every turn.

Use of funds

All donations will be used to help our group with Flights, accomodation, food, and fees for the international competition

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UPDATE for our robotics team   5 October 2022

Hi everyone

First and foremost, thank you all for your generous donations towards our students who travelled to the USA in June to compete in the under world competition for Underwater Robotics.

Our small team of 5 from Rotorua Primary School placed 21st overall. We are so proud of our students and without your guys help this would have not been possible.

Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts

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Latest donations

BSK on 27 May 2022
BSK Consulting Engineers are proud to support this Kura and community
Toni on 25 May 2022
Best of luck for the competition.
LINDA on 23 May 2022
Keep up the good work of making dreams possible.
Infracomfort NZ Ltd
Infracomfort NZ Ltd on 23 May 2022
Infracomfort NZ Ltd supports New Zealand School and is proud to associated with this project
Kathryn on 20 May 2022
All the best for this fantastic opportunity!

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Rotorua Primary School (School)
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This campaign started on 6 Apr 2022 and ended on 6 Jul 2022.