Flood relief for us

$300 of $5,500 goal
Given by 8 generous donors in 4 weeks

To help rebuild what was lost in the flood

Swanson, Auckland

We lost everything on Fridays floods. Everything is gone damaged and contaminated. We have nothing left

Please help if you can.

We do have a small amount of content insurance, I never thought this could happen, so I didn't take a huge amount out.

Use of funds

Purchasing new second hand belongings and to go towards clean up.costs and financial aide.

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Latest donations

Jeremy on 15 Feb 2023
Best wishes to you
Lena Stewart

Thank you so much

Lena Stewart
Mike on 09 Feb 2023
Lena Stewart

Thank you xx

Lena Stewart
Ngaire on 06 Feb 2023
Lena Stewart

Thank you so much xx

Lena Stewart
nadia on 02 Feb 2023
oxoxox let us know the things you are wanting replaced in particular in case we come across them
Lena Stewart

Thank you so much xx

Lena Stewart
Shelley on 01 Feb 2023
Sorry its not much but every bit counts.
Lena Stewart

Thank you so much xx

Lena Stewart

Who's involved?

Lena Stewart's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Lena Stewart
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This campaign started on 1 Feb 2023 and ended on 1 Mar 2023.