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For Pete, Lucinda and Dakotas lasting memories

$35,528 donated
Given by 318 generous donors in around 6 months

Support Pete and Lucinda as they make the most of their last precious moments


Just over a year ago shortly before Pete’s 33rd birthday, he received the most shocking news anyone dreads. He was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer. A very short 2 weeks later, he and Lucinda then discovered the wonderful news that they were expecting. After letting all this sink in, Pete has tried to carry on with life as normal as possible, enjoying his speedway over the country, some karting and preparing for the arrival of their daughter.

Over this last year Pete has been undergoing various treatments, trying to buy any time he could to have with his family. Now after welcoming their beautiful daughter Dakota into the world in January, getting married in a very intimate elopement in Queenstown (with just the 3 of them) and recently celebrating his 34th birthday with close friends and family, Pete has now received the news we were all hoping wouldnt be so soon; Pete has been given an estimated life expectancy of just 3 months, after discovering treatment is no longer working.

I am setting up this page in the hope to raise some money for Pete and Lucinda, so they can treasure these last precious moments together, hopefully fit in a family holiday Pete has been wanting and see all their friends and family, without financial pressure behind them.

Any donation will be hugely appreciated no matter how big or small.

Thank you

Hayley Forde's involvement (page creator)

Pete and Lucinda are very close friends of ours

Use of funds

Enjoying their time together without the added financial pressure on their shoulders

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 Oct 2022
A character as a youth, that I appreciated as a coach. Deserves every bit of help she gets.
Jordan and Stevie
Jordan and Stevie on 28 Sep 2022
Jemima on 14 Sep 2022
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 14 Sep 2022
Thinking of your beautiful family ❤️
Cathy on 20 Aug 2022
Thinking of you and wishing you all the best

Who's involved?

Hayley Forde's avatar
Created by Hayley Forde
Lucinda Ebbett's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Lucinda Ebbett
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This campaign started on 31 May 2022 and ended on 30 Nov 2022.