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Forced to walk away

  • Media article

      20 July 2022
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    We knew Kainga Ora and Msd would come back with something ridiculous but this has absolutely blown my mind! We got turned down for any Help by winz except a $60 clothing grant and a $50 food grant. As for us apparently turning down a house in Cobden ? The house we are moving to is in Cobden there was no other house in Cobden!

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  • Media release

      20 July 2022
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    There will be a article on our story released by NZ Herald. I’m not 100% sure when it will be but as soon as I get the link it will be added to this 💜

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  • Thank you so much!

      19 July 2022

    Hi everyone I hope your all keeping warm during this wild winter weather! No updates as yet but I just wanted to write a quick note to thank you all for taking the time to read our story and donate and share. You are all amazing

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