Hi Everyone Just to let you know, On April the 4th, 2012, I received a phone-call, with the news that my dear Brother Wilf is finally at rest. His wife called me?shortly after he stopped breathing, sobbing her poor heart out.?His struggle with Motor Neurone Disease?is finally over. I would like?to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support, it's been a real eye opener for me to see just how generous and kind hearted you all are. My brothers ordeal has really got me focused on being the best I can be in this life.. :-) He stayed positive, all the way to the end.. particularly after God heard and responded to his call for help to deal with his circumstance. Any further donations will be passed directly onto the Motor Neurone Disease Association of New Zealand, Wellington Branch. Take care Regards David Visser
Thank you so much for your support, I am inspired to do the best I can for?this charity and my Brother & his family??:-)
Thanks to you for your support, much appreciated? :-)
I don't know who you are, but thank you, may you too be Blessed :-)
Thanks Team Brehaut Racing team for you support, much appreciated :-)
We'll be careful out there, and ride knowing that we are well supported, cheers.?Thanks for?your support :-)?
Cheers Gary, long time no see :-) Thanks for your support. Regards, David
Thank you for you support, much appreciated. I am again humbled by the generosity of New Zealanders :-) May you be Blessed
Thanks Andy for your donation, much appreciated, good on you mate. Hopefully meet up for a ride some time :-)
Thanks Fiona for persisting to see me yesterday so you could find out about this website, and for following up by donating,?much appreciated :-) Your support is encouraging..
Thank you Chantel and Joseph for the encouragement, much appreciated. :-)
Inspiration for today So on the way home today, I stop along the Whitby Bays, sit on a bench, enjoy the views and savour the twisty ride along Whitby bays just completed. I sit and pray for my Brother and inspiration for this project, for God to show himself to me, and read the Bible, because my faith is weak at the be...st of times. I randomly open to Romans 5, and read about Peace and Hope :-) A reminder of the peace we have with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. A reminder that we can egloryf in our sufferings since it is meant to produce perseverance, and subsequently character, and therefore HOPE. This is basically describing my Brother, who gives us hope through the perseverance and character he displays through His strength. I arrive home to an excited Ingrid who tells me to check the givealittle website. Someone (Bless you) who remains anonymous, donated $1000 today, with the only words gBe still and know they I am God. He providesch Some might call this a coincidence, I donft :-)
Thanks again to Tony Hunt and a good friend of his, Allan Mills for raffling off the lamb mentioned earlier at Steel and Tube. Fantastic effort guys. The $200 raised for this good cause is much appreciated. May you be Blessed. Cheers from David, my Bother Wilf and his Family
Thanks again to Tony Hunt and a good friend of his, Allan Mills for raffling off the lamb mentioned earlier. Allan raffled the lamb at?Steel and Tube. Fantastic effort guys. The $200 raised for this good cause is much appreciated. May you be Blessed. Cheers from David, my Bother Wilf and his Family
Tony Hunt, who's doing the whole ride with me, donated?the 2 lambs for the love of my Brother, and?were raffled off. I raffled 1 at my workplace, and the other was raffled by Allan Mills?at Steel @ Tube. Each whole lamb was raffled for $200 and the winner at Steel and Tube was announced on Thursday 15-12. I announced the winner at my workplace on Friday 16 Dec 11. Here's the thing, I've only met Tony twice and haven't even met Allan, yet they have just chipped in and helped with this project. Thank you guys for helping me make a difference, it's a humbling experience. I know I can speak for my Brother here, we really appreciate your care and support. Tony,?I'm looking forward to the?ride across New Zealand in Feb 2012.
Thanks to the latest donor, who is choosing to remain anonymous, I continue to remain humbled by the generosity of people. Thanks heaps and may you be Blessed.
How to donate to my Project, eFor the love of my Brother, Wilff 1. Online using this link http://www.givealittle.co.nz/cause/fortheloveofmyBrotherWilf"" http://www.givealittle.co.nz/cause/fortheloveofmyBrotherWilf 2. By direct credit to the following dedicated Bank account for this project National Bank 06-0565-0829326-00 3. By cheque made out to: Motor Neurone Disease Association NOTE: on the back of the Cheque the project name gfor the love of my brother, Wilff ? Mail the cheque to o Motor Neurone Disease Association o PO Box 2176 o Wellington
Hi Everyone After discussing how donations are distributed with the Motor Neurone Disease Association, Wellington Branch, I learned that donations are mostly distributed as they are received, particularly if circumstances are such that funding is needed now, rather than later when a project ends. I also learned that I could etagf donations to specific needs within the MNDNZ Association. With these guiding thoughts in mind, I made a decision to pass through to my brother, 65% of the donations received to date and 30% to MNDNZ (Wellington branch), as I originally committed to do. What this means in terms of $fs, is that Ifve had the awesome responsibility and privilege of transferring $1000.00 (30%), specifically etaggedf for Wellington based field worker costs. Ifve also transferred $2,170.00 to by Brother and his family who are putting these $fs to good use in providing for his care. Thank you for your support to date, itfs been both awesome and inspiring. Ifm really looking forward to this project, gFor the love of my Brother, Wilfh, taking off in January and February of 2012.
Thanks to 'Another Biker' for your donation today. Goog on you mate, and God Bless you..
Hi Everyone, Thanks to you all?for your continued support on this project, I continue to be blown away and encouraged. Thanks particularly to Ivan and ""Another Biker"" for your support today, much appreciated. More to follow Thanks David