Frankie's life changing journey to take her first steps

$15,335 of $15,000 goal
Given by 183 generous donors in 12 days

Let's help get Frankie over to Centre of Movement in Australia for therapy, so she can take her first steps.

New Plymouth, Taranaki

Frankie was born in May 2022, her first year of life she was often in and out of hospital with symptoms confusing medical professionals, being rescue choppered twice to Starship.

She was diagnosed at 15 months with a rare genetic condition called Angelman Syndrome, caused by a mutation on the UBE3A gene located on Chromosome 15. The condition comes with developmental disabilities and nerve-related symptoms. Frankie will never have the ability to speak full sentences and is currently learning to communicate through sign language and other speech aids.

Her hardest challenge has been the resulting Epilepsy. Before Frankie turned one, she had the ability to wave, clap, and use her hands functionally. The seizures have damaged neurological pathways and each time Frankie has been forced to relearn these skills again.

Despite these challenges, Frankie is proving to be an extremely resilient little girl who is continuously proving medical professionals wrong.

Frankie has been given the opportunity of a lifetime to attend Centre of Movement’s 3-week programme in the Gold Coast on August 12th – 29th. Specialists will help re-wire Frankie’s brain through neuroplasticity. This therapy is $15,000 and will help Frankie move towards taking her first steps and gain more independence. This kind of physical therapy is currently not available in New Zealand and will be life changing.

We can support this beautiful family in allowing Frankie to reach her potential, even the smallest amount will help.

Katherine Bosworth's involvement (page creator)

Friend of Tom, Bre and Frankie.

Use of funds

The cost will cover travel, accommodation, and the 3 week intensive therapy programme for Frankie in the Gold Coast. If the goal is not achieved, they will attend therapy at a later date.

Funds will be paid to Frankie's mother Brearna.

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From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so so much for all the support and generous donations. We are so excited for Frankie to be going to Center of Movement in August and can't thank you all enough for helping to make that possible.

Updates will flow when Frankie arrives at Therapy and we can't wait to share with you all how incredible she does.

Thank you so much everyone, we are forever grateful for all the support.


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Alysha 4 days ago
You are wonderfull parents Bre &Tom. Frankie's beautiful ❤️
Sam and Tash
Sam and Tash 4 days ago
Olivia 5 days ago
Carolyn 6 days ago
All the best Bree, Tom and Frankie
Annalyse 6 days ago

Who's involved?

Katherine Bosworth's avatar
Created by Katherine Bosworth
Brearna Jones's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Brearna Jones
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This campaign started on 14 Jun 2024 and ends on 14 Dec 2024.