My partner was involved in a car accident which left our 2 year old Dachshund with a fractured spine. We are fundraising for his surgery
Hi everyone
Thanks for taking the time to look at our cause
My partner was involved in a car accident recently. She was on the motorway when traffic came to a standstill. While she stopped with plenty of room, the driver behind her wasn't paying attention to the road and ploughed into the back of her at near enough to 100km/hr, writing off her Mazda Demio hatchback
She was fortunate to walk away with only minor injuries however our 2 year old Dachshund Frank who was in a crate on the rear seat wasn't as lucky. The force of the impact fractured his L7 vertebrae
As with all animals a broken spine is dangerous and extremely painful. In order to stabilize the fracture Frank required surgery & is now left with a metal plate, 5 screws & 2 pins in his spine
Following a successful surgery Frank is now on the road to recovery but requires 24 hour confinement, supervision & assistance walking outside to relieve himself
The driver at fault was uninsured & despite being a dog owner himself has made it clear he has no intention on contributing towards the cost of Frank's veterinary care. As a result we have been left with veterinary bills knocking on $10,000 and there are more costs yet to come for X-rays, physio etc
Having recently purchased our first home & living off one income for the next 3 years while my partner completes her studies the timing & circumstances around this event couldn't be worse
The Police intend charging the driver at fault & have advised that we are entitled to pursue him through the courts for all costs incurred however we are told this will be a very long drawn out process & the likelihood of success in recuperating any costs is marginal at best
We would greatly appreciate any donations to go towards Frank's veterinary care - no matter how big or small to help us through this incredibly tough time. In the event we are successful in recuperating costs from the driver at fault we will gladly return any contributions in full & without hesitation
We would like to thank everyone for their support
My partner was involved in a car accident which left our 2 year old Dachshund with a fractured spine