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Funding for Becki’s battle of the Cancer 🌻

  • September Update

      11 September 2024
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    Hi all,

    Happy September! I thought I would jump in and let you all know how things are tracking in the world of Becki. - I can’t believe we are in September already! So nice to be heading towards some warmer weather and sunshine. - I have been very lucky this year to fit in 2 bucket list trips with my beautiful babes and friends. - I have hit 9 months of treatment - rolling into Round 16 of Chemo next week. Sadly my extra targetted drug that supports my chemo has still not made the governments list of funded drugs. Unfortunately I had to make one of the biggest and saddest devisions of my life and resigned from my Role of Head and Sport at Southwell. My treatment plan and side effects dictated this move. - I am looking for other ways to find my sense of purpose through volunteering roles at Rainbow place and on The Hamilton Cricket Board. - Next Tuesday I have another scan so I am hoping you can all manifest some goodness for me and pray for more progress. - I am still fighting the fight with all i’ve got and totally not going down without a fight! Thank you for being on my team x Bundles of love and sunshine,

    Becki x❤️x

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  • Scan 3 update!

      23 July 2024
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    So today was a little bit of a nervous one as I waited for my Oncologist appointment and the results of my 3rd scan since starting Chemo. - I kept busy, caught up with my beautiful friends for a coffee and belly laughs, went for a soulful walk, had my weekly Vitamin C infusion and chats with a beautiful soul on her own journey. Nothing can describe the anxiety that creeps in when waiting for results when your life is in someone else’s hands and out of your control. - But the news was great! There has been no growth, the cancer is stable and controlled! My Oncologist is one of the most beautiful humans and I feel safe in his hands. We still have a wee way to go to put the main Tumour in a headlock and deal to him but we are tracking in the right direction! - I came home sighing with relief to be greeted with a beautiful gift from another beautiful human. I go into round 13 of Chemo tomorrow full of even more fight and hope! The hospital was a place I used to dread but with it becoming a regular place for me to visit, I’ve seen it in a new light. - Full of so many amazing people giving their blood, sweat and tears for others and making the biggest difference in the world! ❤️Thank you to all of you for being in the ring with me and wrapping me in love and support! - I am truly grateful for every single one of you! ❤️ - Let’s go get it! 🥊

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    • 24/07/2024 by Harlene

      Sending Becki Strength and Courage. I also send you Peace, Harmony and Love as you continue your journey. 🙏🤲❤🌌🕊

    • 24/07/2024 by sue

      Great news Becki

      You are amazing

      Your fighting spirit is an inspiration.

      Sending our love from Ohope🙏

  • What’s been happening

      14 July 2024
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    Good morning and happy Sunday! Just giving you all an update of what’s been happening of late! - I had a bit of a rough time a month ago with my Portacath never healing, then getting infected and leading to a hospital admissiom, the port having to come out and a month off treatment of chemo and 6 weeks off my gold plated drug. - (gutted this drug has still NOT made the recent government funded list) not ideal at all and there are so many of us needing it! - The painful picc line has made a comeback and i’m back into treatment after the ‘blip’. - So hello waterproofing and niggly showers again…. A silver lining, got to go on an amazing trip to Fiji with my babes, as many of you know i’m trying to tick off some bucket list activities while I can. - I have my next scan on Thursday and crossing everything again. A bit nervous for this one after having to miss treatment. But trying really hard to keep my head in the game. - I have a few personal health and fitness goals i’m working on this month, which is great to have but man oh man this cancer and the chemo have really shown me it’s given my body a beating, but I am one determined human so aiming to take out the win. 🥰 Hope you all are well and once again, thanks for being in my fight club and on my team x 🥊❤️ Love Becki x

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    • 14/07/2024 by Lucy

      You are incredible. Think of you all the time and am in awe of your incredible mindset. Sending all our healing love and thoughts, always. ❤️

  • The Jax and Bex Collection

      31 May 2024

    Here’s the link to the Jax and Bex Collection of Tees by Mazu.

    A cause close to my heart Mette Kirchheiner, Jackie Robertson Rebecca Leigh Ross ♥️♥️♥️

    Please consider buying a tee, and if you aren’t in a position to do so at this time, please take a moment to share this fundraiser with family and friends ♥️

    Did you know that in NZ:

    *Bowel cancer is the second biggest cause in cancer.

    *There has been a 70% growth in under 50’s in the last 5 years

    *No new funding in drugs towards bowel cancer in the last 20 years!

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  • Newsflash!!!

      31 May 2024

    So some things have been cooking in the background of late! - Raising awareness for Bowel Cancer so we can save lives and people ending up in mine and Jackie Robertson’s situation along with so many others fighting this disease! Please get behind this amazing T shirt campaign by Mazu ‘The Jax and Bex Collection’, they are donating 50% of T-Shirt Sales for the month of June to Bowel Cancer Research. Jackie and I also will be featuring in Woman’s Day June edition that will be released on 9th of June for Bowel Cancer Awareness Month! Get the share on and go shopping! Every little bit counts! ❤️❤️❤️ Help us fight the good fight! 🙌

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  • Scan 2 results

      14 May 2024
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    Hey team, so we are up to round 9 of chemo tomorrow and today I met with my oncologist to get my scan results! - we are continuing to fight the fight! Cancer is stable and there is a little more shrinkage which is great news! - This news gives me the motivation I need to go keep smashing the chemo and keep fighting with what I've got! Big, bright thumbs up to that! - Giant loves and cheers for being on my team x Love Becki 🥰

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  • Scan number 2

      7 May 2024

    Hi all, hope you are all well and keeping healthy. Just an update, Scan number 2 takes place today 😬 so keeping everything crossed for positive progress. A little bit nervous as always with the wait and see game. Won’t know results until next week and then head into Round 9 of chemo! Thanks for all being Rockstars x Love Becki ❤️❤️❤️

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  • Becki’s Update

      19 April 2024
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    Hi all, just thought i’d check in, let you know what’s happening. Round 4 of gold plated $ drug took place on Weds followed by Round 7 of Chemo! Knocked me round a bit more this time - as it accumulates and my immunity is getting wiped out feeling the pinch - But Becki bounce will not be held down for long! Had 3 rockstar Chemo Juice Team members join me this week. Shout out to my Dad Glenn who was there by my side and rocked the F**k Cancer hat x Next scan after round out so i’m praying the crackjuice is doing it’s thing and all the other extras i’m working on - Once again- so much gratitude and love to everyone helping me fight this fight ❤️ Love Becki 💛

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  • Crack juice Cathy has entered the building!

      2 April 2024
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    Hi all,

    A massive thank you for the ongoing support and generous donations that are still rolling in! You guys rock! - Today Mr Pickle departed and replacing him is ‘Crackjuice Cathy’ the Portacath who will be a game changer in weeks to come when she settles in and heals. Tomorrow I roll into week 3 of Avastin (new drug) and Round 6 of Chemo. - I’m ready to rock it, have my trusty pink bag packed and ready to take that Crackjuice like a boss through Cathy! - Fighting the Good Fight always x Smiles and Sunshine- Love Becki ❤️

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  • Whoop Toot Update! 💛

      19 March 2024
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    Update!!! - Well I think wishing on fairies and having my little bro and sis in law back in NZ gave me such extra special vibes… Met with my lovely Oncologist today and - there has been significant shrinkage in main tumour and all lymph nodes…. Some of the little cancer partiers have even decided to pack their bags and move out of 2 of my lymph nodes! ❤️❤️❤️ So happy with the news today. Now it’s time to keep going and take this unwanted Gangsta down!!! - Stage 4 No cure they said…. Not on my freaking watch! Picked the wrong opponent! I’m not gonna just be a number💛💛💛 Thanks for all your positive vibes peeps! You are helping me fight this x x x love Becki

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  • Friday Update

      15 March 2024
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    Hi all, just updating you that I had my first scan today since starting treatment. I have my follow up on Tuesday with my Oncologist to go into detail but… He is an absolute gem and eased my weekend of worry with a text to say the scan is better than the last one I had pre treatment! I will so take that good news. It means something is working in my favour right now! Beyond relieved. While the fight has only just begun and she’s a long road ahead - I will take every ounce of positivity. 🥰 Happy weekend lovelies x Becki

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    • 16/03/2024 by Linda

      Wahoo, the angels and fairies are working their magic!! So amazing that your oncologist took time to update you!! ENJOY your weekend xox

  • Spin for the win!

      2 March 2024
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    What an amazing day we had today, pedalling for a purpose! Yet again by cup is overflowing and my heart is full! What a tribe and soooo much fun! I managed 3 classes, powered by the energy of the people! - ❤️🚴‍♀️❤️

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  • 43 Here I am!

      28 February 2024
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    Hi all, well I have arrived at the ripe old age of 43! Talk about spoilt and feeling the love. ❤️ Honestly, you all are the best. Just an update, I start a new drug alongside Chemo as of next weds. The aim is to work alongside the looney juice and hopefully add some extra time🤞🤞🤞 without your support, I would not have the ability to fund this drug. So please know every single one of you have contributed to me being able to afford it for the 20 cycles I’ve been given so far. - I have my first Scan next Thursday since starting treatment to see if there has been shrinkage in the Lymph-nodes and Tumour- Fingers and Toes crossed for some positive news rather than the bad stuff! On Saturday Les Mills are putting on a fundraiser - Pedal for a Purpose - 8 Hours of cycle classes! I’m going to have a crack at a class myself! Wish us all luck x - Forever grateful. - Becki ❤️❤️❤️

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    • 29/02/2024 by Rebecca

      Happy Birthday Becki - you're still rockin' it! Take care Bones & Bex 🙂 x

  • Happy birthday Becki 🌸

      23 February 2024
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    If there was ever a time to celebrate and give to this Women, now is the time 💫 43 years of being here and we want you around for many more.

    3 rounds of chemo down

    And the journey has just begun

    What’s around the corner… who knows.

    But, we know you’ll do everything you can!

    Here’s to the future 🙏

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  • Sh*t Sambo continues…

      20 February 2024
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    Hi team, just giving you an update. Had a little more of a slap across the face yesterday when I saw an Oncologist about adding the targetted treatment to add alongside chemo. The Dr gave me more insights on my cancer. 1. That it’s agressive 2. I am in the 10% of people that have this rare form of Bowel cancer. 3. Chemo is not always effective on my type of cancer! 4. Create my bucketless💩 my happy vibe took a hit, the tears flowed and I just thought when are we going to catch a break! But… I got up today, thought about all the things i’m grateful for and put my armour back on! A walk with one of my faves helped too! Ebs and flows in this totally uncontrollable journey! 🥹

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  • Drug update

      16 February 2024

    Hi team! So a bit of dumb news yesterday that sadly after making it to 2nd round of IGENZ testing, I was not a match for the drug we were hopeful for. However, there is a consolation prize that I am meeting a specialist to discuss on Monday and hopefully add to my treatment plan! - Still costs an absolute fortune so this Give a Little and all of your donations are making it possible to start treatment. Without it- No chance I could afford it. So to all of you, I am sooooooo eternally grateful. I will continue to keep my head in the game, make the most of this life I have and will fight like a beast! 💪❤️ Becki 🌻🌻🌻

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  • 💫 2 chemo rounds down and still smiling

      11 February 2024
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    It was chemo round two last week and Becki has been a legend, some niggly side effects but as usual Becki is taking it all in her stride.

    The aim is for the chemo to work its magic on the lymph nodes and to shrink the tumour in her colon.

    Becki had an equivocal result for match testing of the drug which we’re funding for - so additional testing has been sent to Auckland, send your prayers for positive results back this week.

    A week of beautiful cleaning fairies, eats and treats and some gorgeous photos of family and Steve.

    We’re heading into Becki’s 43rd Birthday week - and we’re so close to our funding target.

    We started the Birthday celebrations with a night at Synthony in the Domain in Auckland - and apart from a few bumps into Mr Pickles (picc line for administering chemo drugs) and blisters; maybe partly due to my walking tour around Albert park which was not in the direction of our hotel. We all had an amazing day and night with great people.

    Chemo round 3 is on the 21st February

    The battle of the cancer continues 🌻

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  • So much gratitude ❤️

      30 January 2024

    I just wanted to take the time to thank you all for your generosity, support and love! I wanted to be able to individually respond to every single one of you but I’m not sure there are enough hours in the day! - You have all truly humbled me and I am so lucky to have such amazing support. I am going to work my butt off to try and fight this despicable disease. - Big loves from me to all of you. 🌈 Becki ❤️

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