Travel fund for Mackenzie’s parents
Our dear friends, Jamie and Zoey are going through something no parent should ever have to experience in their lifetime, the devastating loss of their three month old angel baby - MacKenzie Margaret Ford.
In the short time that we were all blessed with Kenzie’s presence, we got to know her beautiful spirit, her smile that lights up the room, and we were just starting to see her sassy personality shining through. MacKenzie was determined to stay with us and fought her battle as hard as her little body could.
Kenzie had a love for music like her Mummy and loved plants like her Daddy and of course she loved her big brother Frankie. MacKenzie was loved by so many people but most importantly she was and always will be the apple of Jamie and Zoey’s eye.
To honour MacKenzie’s life and let Jamie and Zoey know that we are thinking of them through this devastating time, we thought putting together a travel fund that they can use when the time is right to do some travel that they would have wanted to do with MacKenzie like spend time at different beaches, hiking, enjoying nature and all things adventures and travel have to offer - all things that were meant to be MacKenzie’s.
MacKenzie would love to be looking down at her parents doing something they love - so we know this is the perfect way to let Jamie and Zoey know we are thinking of them and love them.
Please leave a message for them to read as it would mean a lot to them ❤️
Zoey and Jamie are my best friends
Zoey & Jamie’s travel fund to celebrate the life of baby Mackenzie.
Message from Jamie and Zoey 15 October 2023
Hi Everyone,
We wanted to post a message to thank you all for your incredible generosity. We are speechless!
It has been & continues to be indescribably heartbreaking & we are lost without our precious girl Mackenzie. Your support & messages of love have been so appreciated.
As we have been trying to navigate this difficult time, we wondered how could we travel & do anything without Kenz so soon. We came to the conclusion that neither of us are ready to be apart & back working as there are a lot of triggers in our typical day to day life, but we also recognise it’s not too healthy to sit at home for an extended period of time.
The money that you all so generously contributed, enables us to be together supporting each other as we go & travel. We like to think of as a journey of peace & processing among beautiful places, all in honour of Mackenzie.
We left Auckland for Singapore on Monday with a plan to visit Greece, Italy & France before heading home from London in December. Mackenzie took with her, her favourite bunny & we have the matching one to journey with us. With bunny held close, we feel Kenz love through the warmth of the sun & all the beautiful surroundings.
We like to think she is looking down on us & seeing the beautiful places we travel - all things we would have loved to have done with her.
Again we want to thank you all so much for being our village & surrounding us with love when we have needed it most.
With all our love & heartfelt thanks
Jamie & Zoey