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Fundraiser for the Diprose family.

$35,509 of $30,000 goal
Given by 420 generous donors in 5 weeks

I am hoping this page will raise enough for Alan to be able to care for his wife when the time arrives.


Alan and Andrea have been married for 30 years, a wonderful warm hearted couple who have worked hard to raise their family of four children.

Andrea has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer, which has also spread to her liver.

The cancer is inoperable, and treatment would not improve the situation.

Even though she is quite well at the moment, Andrea will require palliative care in the future and has given up her job as a teacher at Konini Primary.

The family is devastated beyond belief especially as they have now been reduced to one income. Alan was forced to take a considerable amount of time out of work to recover from a kidney transplant which is still causing day to day health issues. With no sick pay benefits and the plan being to be living on two incomes at this time, the future looks grim for Alan being able to support his wife during her palliative care.

Alan Diprose has worked as a teacher for 27 years and is well known in the community. Many young adults have been lucky enough to have spent time in his class and even more well known, his cactus studio. He has organised fundraising for World Vision and raised thousands and thousands of dollars for this organisation.

It's been a really tough last 15 years in their household with Alan's kidney failure and now Andrea's illness. This family has suffered extreme financial loss due to overwhelming health issues. This family deserves more family moments together. Let's help them get there.

Bronwyn Chalmers' involvement (page creator)

I have worked with Alan for the last 15 years. Loss of income is causing financial hardship. Health issues resulted in Alan having a kidney transplant and now the devastating news of his wife Andrea diagnosed with terminal cancer.

Use of funds

So Alan can take time off work to be with his wife whenever that is necessary and to relieve some of the financial burdens in the future for the family.

Latest update

Faith in our community.  27 November 2020

I am so heart warmed by the generosity of our community. It restores my faith in humanity. Thank you to everyone who has donated. Big and small, it all counts.

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 31 Dec 2020
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 31 Dec 2020
Richard on 31 Dec 2020
Thanks for time spent educating our family. Best wishes from the Maher Family.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 30 Dec 2020
Fiona on 29 Dec 2020
Alan and Andrea - I am so saddened to read this news! I cannot begin to imagine what you are all going through. Andrea, I have never met you, but for a number of my more youthful years knew Alan and his amazing family well from my short, but formative years in Paeroa. A wonderful person and I know could only share his life Roth someone equally wonderful - God Bless you all

Who's involved?

Bronwyn Chalmers's avatar
Created by Bronwyn Chalmers
Alan & Andrea Diprose's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Alan & Andrea Diprose
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This campaign started on 24 Nov 2020 and ended on 31 Dec 2020.