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Fundraiser for victims of the Christchurch Shooting

on 17 Mar 2019

David asks

I thought I was donating to all affected families - you said 'All funds raised are going to be distributed to the families in Christchurch'. It seems it is all going to one family.

MyFundAction New Zealand

Hi there David,

Please do refer to the "update" section on this page.

Hope this will make things more clear for everyone.

Thank you

MyFundAction New Zealand
on 17 Mar 2019

David asks

I thought I was donating to all affected families - you said 'All funds raised are going to be distributed to the families in Christchurch'. It seems it is all going to one family.

MyFundAction New Zealand

Hi there,

Thank you for the support. It was true that at first, we decided to pass to Malaysia family but now as we received overwhelming support and love, we have decided to pass the fund to the affected families in Christchurch.

Thanks again

MyFundAction New Zealand
on 16 Mar 2019

Jilese asks

Ypu know there is already a page for this 1.6mil raised

MyFundAction New Zealand

Yes I am aware of that. I just did this page as soon as I heard about the news. As mentioned in the update, this fund will be passed to malaysian families affected there.

Thanks and really appreciated all the helps and supports

MyFundAction New Zealand

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