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Fundraising For Touch World Cup 2024 in July

  • Thank you all for all you're help

      15 June 2024

    Hello to all my fans, family, friends and whoever helped me with my trip, get over to London in July for the Touch World Cup in 4 weeks. I want to take this time to thank you all for your support and help towards my trip, donating whatever you could because it meant so much to me, I did a video to show my appreciation to all those who helped and created this for me, it was a tough six weeks but, we did it together? I am grateful to have you guys by my side. I also want to thank you Givealittle as well for giving me a chance to help fundraise for my trip and even though the page is closed and I raised the full amount, thank you everybody for your love and in return here is my rap for you.

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  • Trip

      5 June 2024

    Touch World Cup is not far away

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  • Close

      27 May 2024

    We are nearly there people, thank you lessgo

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  • Appreciate your help

      17 May 2024

    I am grateful for your support and help and I would like to return the flavour with a freestyle to everyone.

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  • Thank you to everyone

      7 May 2024

    I wanna thank you everybody who has been donating and still carry on to support me

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