Hello my name is Riki aka OGcuz
Over the last 10 days I have had the pleasure of being in a international online community which is full of Tongas people, the server is for a digital asset and has gained a lot of traction forged by Sam Ratumaitavuki and his development team.
With this community we have the ability to give to this cause and help those in need in Tonga, effected from this devastating eruption and now surges of waves hitting the island. Keep in mind the clean up and extra resources needed.
Please do not feel obliged to give, but please share this At least, as it will help us gain good traction for our whānau in Tonga
Please if you have clothes you would like to donate or anything else we will sort out a place and time for this.
Thank you very much
Kia Kaha
Mate Ma’a Tonga
You are welcome to come into the telegram group to say hello and thank all the volunteers channeling liquidity through their nodes to Tonga.
My relationship to this beneficiary is simple,
We help the community.
Any sort of need, whether it be food packages, clothing, any monetary assistance they need in this time.