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G-J Hill's fight against Stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma


      11 May 2018
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    To all our generous friends and family who have helped with donations and support during our time in Auckland once again thankyou! This page itself was set up on our behalf, not by us and was a very gracious show of support when gj was first diagnosed. It has helped in a lot more than one way! Every single contribution has been appreciated more than thanks will ever be able to show and continue to be of help. Due to his urgent status Gary and I didn't return home from an initial ED trip the night before his first hematology meeting. Funds not only helped with the initial weeks accomodation and organizing while accomodation was found for us near the hospital by ADHB (it was a requirement to stay in Auckland for his treatment). Gary is still receiving medical treatment and taking vit c too. As he couldn't eat some foods and diet was a huge factor in keeping his nutrients up the funds also just made it easier to get fresh Veges and fruit organic that could make daily juices to boost his immunity. For those that know us personally, or visited Gary-john during his chemotherapy treatment in Auckland. You will acknowledge how incredible his physical change has been in the last 2.5 months! The most important change for me as his wife is to have Gary's personality and character return which disappeared for a while. For those that didn't see him change colour completely, drop 30kg, lose every bit of hair, be admitted for multiple blood transfusions and ward hospital care inbetween his cycles for infections or know how widespread, urgent or aggressively Gary was treated overall it will be incredibly hard to comprehend what strength he shows everyday to recover as he has bounced back so fast! As such a short time ago our thoughts were not as positive as they are now!! These donations have helped give him every chance we could. Gary-john is completely finished with chemotherapy treatment and due to his age and other factors the mass remaining in his chest will not be radiated at this time. Gary will receive ongoing follow ups and care in Whangarei for 2 years and he will continue to try return to normal as best he can with some permanent changes he is still learning to accept. This page will be closed down shortly and this is a final show of appreciation for those that we cannot keep in touch with personally. Sash

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  • Update from G-J and Sasha

      18 October 2017

    During the First cycle we had a few bumps as gj managed to get the flu and was admitted to hospital for a few days, but all has settled and he is doing really well again. This cycle has gone to plan and we are now in new market in one place until December at least, which has made things easier to set up and get some normality into our everyday lives. G-js parents and brother have been staying near by and it's been really great to have their support getting started on this journey for G-j, they head back to Perth after this next scan. This nect scan is in about 2 weeks which will evaluate how the treatment is going and give a bit better indication on a long term treatment plan. The messages and financial support has been incredible and it is beyond words how much it is helping even to not have to worry about one less thing is amazing! Each day is different and as everyone has said to us one step at a time. Gary-John is incredibly positive and doesn't seem to let his bad days get to him, which I know comes from the support and kind words too so we thank you all for that.

    Please note that the payee has now been changed to Sasha.

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  • Our first update from G-J and Sash!

      23 September 2017

    To all lovely friends and family, Gj had a little bit of a rough start to treatment with an allergic reaction to one of the main chemos he needs. However, with a little bit of trial and error, and great medical team behind him treatment is now going ahead as planned. We are on day 3 with no more hiccups. Gj is doing really well and although tired, he is feeling really positive. He is so happy and humbled from all the support,t's really touching. From today we are hoping to be staying in one place for a little while too which is great. The messages and donations just keep coming, and words cannot express how grateful we are for all of your support and motivation. Lots of love Sash x

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    • 24/09/2017 by Paitangi Ostick

      Thanks for the update Sasha, Gj is very much in our daily thoughts ...Arohanui to you both xx

      Paitangi (Yeadons mum )