Scoliosis Surgery for our 11 year old daughter Gaelle

$28,000 donated
Given by 229 generous donors in 9 weeks

As parents we are reaching out for your generosity to help towards Gaelle's surgery so she can resume a pain free life.


In February 2019, our 11 year old daughter Gaelle was diagnosed with Idiopathic Scoliosis. Scoliosis is a curve in the spine with a shape of an S and sometimes a C.

Upon diagnosis, she had a thoracic curve of 36 degrees. The specialist recommended wearing a night-time brace, which she did. After almost 5 months, her x-ray showed that her curve has regressed drastically. Her thoracic curve went up to 50 degrees with an additional lumbar curve of 26 degrees. Gaelle suffers from acute back pain. She can't walk or stand up longer than two minutes. She needs to sit down regularly to rest her back.

Gaelle is an active and sporty girl with many passions. She loves netball, singing, tap dance, and playing the violin. Unfortunately, she had to put the dance and the violin on hold due to her back pain. We hope she can return to her love of music at some point in the future.

Her other interests include science, especially anything to do with space. She has a deep passion to be an astronaut, and we have no doubt she has the will and desire to achieve anything she puts her mind to. Gaelle is an excellent student with a very creative mind so the universe is the limit if her body is willing. We hope to give Gaelle every chance she can to realize her dreams.

As worried parents we have extensively researched the treatment options for Gaelle. From the traditional treatment such as bracing and fusion surgery which can be done only when the child has finished growing around 14 years old, to the latest and the least invasive procedure the Anterior Scoliosis Correction (ASC), and Gaelle is a perfect candidate for it based on her age and curvature. Waiting for fusion surgery is not an option for Gaelle as her curve is getting worse rapidly. Consequently, this may affect her lungs and heart in the long term.

During this journey we have been in contact with a number of groups that rally around families of members with Scoliosis, and we have come to the consensus that the best treatment with long term benefits with the least side effects is ASC. Unfortunately, this procedure is currently not available in New Zealand, so it has to be done overseas.

So this brings us here to express our gratitude for any help you may offer towards our goal of the life changing surgery for our Gaelle, to free her of pain and have the chance to resume a normal life as every young girl deserves.

Rob Stanfield's involvement (page creator)

I am her Father

Use of funds

All funds will go towards the cost of the ASC surgical procedure and the ongoing follow ups needed such as xrays and MRI to monitor her progress.

Latest update

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Gaelle is a star patient.   23 February 2020

Gaelle has come through the surgery with flying colors. Her curve has been reduced from 54 to 19 degrees and as she grows it will only get better. And her recovery has been second to none. She is up and walking with no issues and the doctor said of the 60 odd patient's so far none has recovered and mobile like Gaelle. We couldn't have been more happier with the results and so glad we opted for the ASC procedure with Dr Olaverri. He has been amazing.

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Jackie on 24 Feb 2020
Fantastic news here’s a bit more 🤗!
Yuni on 17 Feb 2020
Good luck Gaelle! Max said he would like to play violin when you back. You are always in our pray. Take care! Love, Terence, Yuni, Max and Chloris
Rob Stanfield

Thank you so much Yuni and Terence. Gaelle was very happy to hear what Max said. Big day is today. We will keep everyone posted as the day goes on.

Rob Stanfield
Ursula on 15 Feb 2020
Yuni told us about Gaelle. So sorry to hear. All the best for Gaelle. We hope and pray that everything will go well. Lots of Love from Uschi and Thomas (hope she can play the violin again)
Rob Stanfield

Thank you so much Uschi and Thomas. When I showed Gaelle what you wrote she said definitely going back to playing violin. Our love and gratitude go out to you.

Rob Stanfield
Philippe on 12 Feb 2020
We wish Gaelle and her parents happiness. Philippe and Nadine Bearez (friends of Joseph Awad from France)
Rob Stanfield

Thank you so much Philippe and Nadine. You are very kind to support Gaelle's cause. Joseph is joining us tomorrow afternoon until we leave in March. We are all looking forward to seeing him again.

Rob Stanfield
Carole on 08 Feb 2020
Wishing you all the best. From Uncle John & Aunty Carole xx
Rob Stanfield

That you so much Aunty Carole & Uncle John. We are on our way next week. Just 10 days away to when Gaelle has her surgery. We will let you know how it goes. Lots of love from all of us.

Rob Stanfield

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Rob Stanfield on behalf of Gaelle Stanfield
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This campaign started on 18 Jan 2020 and ended on 21 Mar 2020.