Gastric bypass or Life bypass

$15 of $35,500 goal
Given by 3 generous donors in 12 weeks

Achieving this dream will give me my life back.

Bay of Plenty


My name is Rachel and I am a woman with dreams of being 'normal'. What does that mean exactly? Well...looking healthy and being healthy and not standing out from the crowd for all the wrong reasons.

Right now I'm looking at future with Diabetes. I'm pre-diabetic, during my last 2 pregnancies I developed severe Gestational diabetes.

I am the same height as I was at 14 years old, I'm now 45. I'm now 40 kgs heavier. I eat a low carb high vege diet. I often get comments from people about my healthy meal choices. I'm part of a sports team that practice twice weekly and compete at weekends.

I didn't know what else I could do. So I investigated surgery, a last resort after trying what seems like everything else. I saw a surgeon in Tauranga and talked about options and I passed the criteria for a gastric bypass. I was excited about my future until I was told the cost. I cried.

It was like I turned 40 and my body gave up. I'm on antidepressants now and I constantly feel terrible about myself inside and out. I feel like life is passing me by every single day. I want to be my fun, confident, healthy self, wife and mum again.

Im not my authentic self anymore.

I need $35000,00 to cover all aspects of gastric bypass surgery.

I need help.

Help me please.

Thank you, Rachel.

Use of funds

The funds raised will be used for all aspects and costs associated the surgery, anaesthetic, surgeons fee, transport, hospital stay and follow up for 1 year. I intend to stop donations at the desired amount.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 Dec 2018
Good luck with this Rachel
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 Dec 2018
Rachel on 06 Dec 2018

Who's involved?

Rachel  Collins's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Rachel Collins
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This campaign started on 3 Dec 2018 and ended on 2 Mar 2019.