Gaza: Resilience and Hope, a New Start for a Family

$5,956 of $73,500 goal
Given by 34 generous donors in 12 weeks

Escaping Gaza and starting a new life for this family of seven, Imad asks for help. Will you give a little for this cause?


There is a sense of urgency to escape the war in Gaza. Since October, no where in Gaza has been safe. War, famine, disease, breakdown in law and order… the daily scenes on the news have been unbearable to watch.

There is a way to cross out of Gaza into Egypt and beyond if you have enough cash to pay for border fees and friends on the outside world to help you. Heaps of people have begun fundraising for their family and friends to do just this.

Imad, a colleague of mine from when I worked at World Vision, Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza has approached me to help him and his family. They have been enduring the horrors of conflict and oppression for far too long, and now, are seeking refuge and a chance at a better life.

There are seven people in his immediate family - Imad who studied commuter engineering, his wife Hala, a Maths teacher, three kids (17 year old son, 13 year old daughter and 8 year old son), plus his elderly parents.

Imad says, "Your support will not only help us escape the horrors of war but also enable my children to continue their education and pursue their dreams of making a difference in the world. It will allow my parents to live out their golden years in peace and dignity, free from the constant fear and uncertainty they've experienced for decades.

We are immensely grateful for any help you can offer. Your generosity will not only change our lives but also restore our faith in humanity."

Jennifer Hammond's involvement (page creator)

Friends and former colleagues of World Vision Jerusalem, West Bank, Gaza. I worked there from 2006-2010. We have been in touch weekly since October and he has kept me updated on his situation.

Use of funds

Border fees for 7 people US $37,500 = roughly NZ $62,500

Accomodation Egypt 3 months US $4,500 = NZ $7,500

Give a Little fee 5%

*If they don't manage to cross the border, they will use it to rebuild their life in Gaza.

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Imad Update  25 June 2024

Hi Everyone,

Where to start? I guess the first thing to say is that I am limited to 1500 characters. Which in some ways is good as it focuses my thoughts but in others really frustrating as it limits what I can say.

The other thing is to acknowledge some of you already got a more detailed update via a (separate) email that I sent out, so apologies if this sounds like a repeat. If you are not getting the email please get in touch if you would like to receive it (other than more space to write, emails make it easier to attach videos, multiple photos, and written reports from Imad himself).

Since I last updated on here a lot happened:

- Imad's parents' family home was destroyed (before October this housed Imad's parents and his four brothers and their families). They had lived there since 1995 and is the photo attached to this post.

-When the 4 hostages were rescued from Nuseirat Refugee camp, Imad did a 10 kilometre (6 mile) round trip walk to collect 10 family members from Nuseirat. They walked past a lot of dead people including women and children.

- Imad shares so much information about daily life we are thinking how best to present it, it is information you won't find on any media. Anything from prices of food doubling from one week to the next to him and his wife losing over 20 kilos in weight since October, to the fact that since October Israel has not allowed into Gaza:




Women's sanitary products



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Dana 4 days ago
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Sara on 22 Jun 2024
Osman on 04 Jun 2024
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Guest Donor on 14 May 2024

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Jennifer Hammond's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Jennifer Hammond on behalf of Imad Ali Al-Tatari and his family
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This campaign started on 1 Apr 2024 and ends on 1 Oct 2024.