Geraldine Primary School Board owned classroom

$150 of $100,000 goal
Given by 3 generous donors in around 7 months

We are seeking donations for a new classroom and hope you will consider being part of this exciting development at Geraldine Primary School.


The Geraldine Primary School Board of Trustees is raising funds to build a new Board-owned classroom at Geraldine Primary, to replace Room 13. Because the classroom will be owned by the Board, Ministry of Education funding cannot be used for this project, and we need to raise approximately $100,000 to supplement the funding we have put aside from our own reserves for the project.

Having an extra classroom allows the Board to keep class sizes smaller than the Ministry provision, ensuring Geraldine Primary School is able to provide students with quality educational opportunities in a fit for purpose environment. A high standard of schooling in Geraldine is vital to the town’s potential to attract young families to the district, ensuring its continued growth and development for the benefit of all.

This new classroom would enable the school to suspend the use of the room at the rear of the school hall as a classroom, freeing up the space for additional opportunities such as music lessons from itinerant teachers, or targeted sessions for groups of students. It would also make it easier for a wider range of groups to access the school hall, without concerns around disturbing children’s learning or the security of property.

The new classroom will be built in conjunction with a Ministry-funded upgrade to Room 10 in 2019.

About us

We are a primary school in Geraldine, South Canterbury. Our school focuses on meeting the unique needs of each student. We provide high quality teaching and learning programmes and numerous opportunities for students to experience and excel in academic, sporting, cultural and leadership activities.

Use of funds

All money raised will go directly towards the funding of a Board-owned classroom. The Board are committed to this project, which is currently in the planning stage.

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Latest donations

Justin O'Brien
Justin O'Brien on 15 May 2019
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 15 May 2019
Private Donor
Private Donor on 14 May 2019

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Geraldine Primary (School)
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This campaign started on 13 May 2019 and ended on 4 Dec 2019.