The Geraldine RCR Team has won the opportunity to compete at the World RCR Competition in Romania, 2017. We are fundraising to get there!!
The Geraldine Road Crash Rescue Team is a group of local Fire Service and St Johns members from Geraldine in South Canterbury NZ, who are dedicated and passionate about improving extrication techniques and patient care.
We have been a team for nearly 3 years and in that time we have done very well competing in local, South Island and National competitions.
This year we won the wild card entry at the National RCR Challenge to compete in the Australasian Road Rescue Organisation Competition in Warragul Vic, Australia. There we competed against 16 top teams from within Australasia and we are thrilled to have been the overall competition winners!!!!
Because of this, we have an invitation to represent New Zealand at the worlds in Romania next year!
Fundraising is now underway to get us to Romania, to compete against the best RCR teams in the world.
We need your help! We would hugely appreciate any donation to go towards our fundraising efforts. Every little bit counts.
Thank you on behalf of the Team!!
The Geraldine Road Crash Rescue Team is a group of local Fire Service and St Johns members from Geraldine in South Canterbury NZ, who are dedicated and passionate about improving extrication techniques and patient care.
We have been a team for nearly 3 years and in that time we have done very well competing in local, South Island and National competitions.
This year we won the wild card entry at the National RCR Challenge to compete in the Australasian Road Rescue Organisation Competition in Warragul Vic, Australia. There we competed against 16 top teams from within Australasia and we are thrilled to have been the overall competition winners!!!!
Because of this, we have an invitation to represent New Zealand at the worlds in Romania next year!
Fundraising is now underway to get us to Romania, to compete against the best RCR teams in the world.
We need your help! We would hugely appreciate any donation to go towards our fundraising efforts. Every little bit counts.
Thank you on behalf of the Team!!
January 2017 Update 18 January 2017
As we are into the new year we wanted to up date you with whats been happening with the team and our fundraising efforts.
We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year!
In December the team featured on TV3s Story program. They did a live extrication during the show as well as the show visiting the team at their training shed here in Geraldine.This was a great opportunity for the team and all enjoyed the experience.
Over the Christmas and New Year period we have been fundraising through Aoraki Licorice, selling their delicious fudges and licorices This has been a great wee fundraiser for us so far and will be ongoing through the year too.
The team is back in full training mode this week after taking a break to spend Christmas and New Year with their families. This means weekly training sessions, gearing up for the competitions they have coming up here in New Zealand, and the world competition also.
They have also been doing a lot of planning and organizing for their trip. Approaching sponsors and working out travel costs etc.
Organizing is also ongoing for the ball at Stonebridge on April 29th. This is another fundraiser for the team and will be a fantastic night out!
We would like to thank those that have already donated on both the Give a Little page and with our other fundraisers. Your support means a lot to us and we really appreciate it.