Get Alicia and team to Pan Pacs

$565 donated
Given by 10 generous donors in 5 weeks

Get our kids to Pan Pacs in Melbourne

Henderson, Auckland

Alicia and a group of other talented kids are off to Pan Pacs in Melbourne and this fundraising will benefit her and her team mates to cover accommodation and food costs.

The flights have been very generously covered Placemakers New Lynn who have provided amazing support to our kids and the gym.

This trip is an important part of the kids journey to a world tournament in Las Vagas next year, Pan Pacs in Melbourne gives each of the kids an opportunity to gain an international ranking which will help when we hit Vegas next year.

Hayley Tottenham's involvement (page creator)

We are proud parents trying to support our kids in their Juijitsu journey

Use of funds

Accommodation, meals, transportation and entry fees to the tournament for our 10 kids

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Latest update

Thank you!  28 September 2022

Alicia just wanted us to post an update one month out from Panpacs to say a massive thank you.

Your support means the team has accommodation paid for, and funds for food which will make the travel so much easier.

Getting the chance to compete at this tournament means a lot to Alicia, and this wouldn't be possible for us to take a team without your very kind support.

Go Daredevils!

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Latest donations

Shireen on 27 Sep 2022
All the best Alicia & team, I am sure you will do well xx
Hayley Tottenham

Thanks Shireen! Very much appreciated

Hayley Tottenham
Kathryn on 10 Sep 2022
Hayley Tottenham

Thank you 🤩

Hayley Tottenham
Pam and Kelvin
Pam and Kelvin on 07 Sep 2022
Have a fun trip.All the best love 💕💕
Hayley Tottenham

Thanks Pam, super excited kiddo!

Hayley Tottenham
Wendy on 06 Sep 2022
Have fun alicia and team x lots of love Aunty Wendy
Hayley Tottenham

Thanks Aunty, appreciate your support, love you x

Hayley Tottenham
Morven on 05 Sep 2022
Go Alicia and team
Hayley Tottenham

Thank you Morven xx

Hayley Tottenham

Who's involved?

Hayley Tottenham's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Hayley Tottenham on behalf of Daredevil Juijitsu Kids trip to Pan Pacs
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This campaign started on 20 Aug 2022 and ended on 30 Sep 2022.