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Get Calli to Washington DC

$130 donated
Given by 4 generous donors in around 6 months

Get Calli to Washington DC so she can spread the word about the new paradigm in education.

Manawatu / Whanganui

Calli has been a passionate and committed educator for over thirty years. Always feeling like she was swimming upstream in a system that cared little for humanity and more about profitability and productivity, she took a turn of events as a sign from the Universe and left the comfort of her long career and secure income.

She is now busier than ever as sole director of this new education platform, supporting disenfranchised, neurodiverse students and jointly setting up a course and community support for all home educating whanau who need help and encourgement. Calli's passion for creating a paradigm shift in education hasn't wavered and she uses her platform to generate conversation and provoke thinking around what education could look like in the future. She's all about finding the soul of education again and setting up a system that inspires every individual to be creative, confident, connected to themselves, others, Mother Earth and whichever higher source they subscribe to, and responsible for the reality they are co-creeating.

Calli has been nominated to talk at the next Herstory conference in Washington DC in March. This is a chance for her to spread the word about how education could look like, how things need to change and about the necessary paradigm shift that accompanies change.

The Ark Education NZ's involvement (page creator)

The Ark Education NZ is owned and directed by Calli Veludos Kennedy.

Use of funds

Funds raised will go towards entry fees, associated costs, and travel and accommodation. Excess will go to scholarships for disadvantaged home educating families for the course: "Drop the SchoolRun".

Latest donations

Jan on 16 Dec 2022
The Ark Education NZ

Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for your generous donation, Jan, and for your wonderful friendship and support! xxx

The Ark Education NZ
Deborah on 14 Dec 2022
What an exciting opportunity! Let's get you there Calli :)
The Ark Education NZ

I love you my beautiful friend! Thanks for your nsupport and love! 🙏❤️

The Ark Education NZ
Rachel on 14 Dec 2022
Let's get you to WDC to speak at Herstory conference!
The Ark Education NZ

Thank you, thank you, thank you! xx

The Ark Education NZ
Calliope on 14 Dec 2022

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, The Ark Education NZ (Business) on behalf of Calliope Veludos
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This campaign started on 14 Dec 2022 and ended on 13 Jun 2023.