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Get Gentle Annie back on track!

$1,411 donated
Given by 25 generous donors in 4 weeks

Help get Gentle Annie back on track by assiting with the cost to replace their stolen track dumper.

Mokihinui, West Coast

On the 18th November Gentle Annie Seaside Accommodation and Camping Ground had their precious, hard-working, bright orange 2020 Cormidi Tracked Dumper, valued at approx $35,000 stolen from their property on the West Coast. The owners of Gentle Annie Seaside Accommodation and Camping Ground, Jess and Jesse purchased the dumper new recently, as an important tool in developing the family orientated community use walking and biking trails at Gentle Annie. With the support of local businesses, KNECT (Kawatiri Nature Environment and Communities Trust), Buller Cycle Club and volunteers, the biking and walking tracks are being developed for visitors and locals to use for free. The tracks are an awesome asset to the local community, and have received amazingly positive feedback from locals and visitors, which makes this theft particularly frustrating. The team at Gentle Annie had also planned to use it to build a bike track at a local school over summer. This is a very expensive and specialised piece of equipment and will be difficult to fund a replacement, which we would love to do as soon as possible as they've been working hard and making lots of progress getting the tracks ready for the upcoming summer months. The folk at Gentle Annie would love and really appreciate any support in helping fund a replacement.

EPIC Kawatiri Westport's involvement (page creator)

Jess and Jesse are wonderful members of EPIC Kawatiri Westport. We know how hard they've worked, and we want to help support them in getting this precious piece of machinery back.

Use of funds

The money will be spent on assisting with the costs to replace the Cormidi Tracked Dumper. Any excess funds will be used on materials to develop the trails.

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Latest update

Thank You For Your Support!  22 December 2023

Thanks very much for your generous support. With the help of these funds and the good people at OMC power equipment we’ve been able to get a replacement dumper! The silver lining out of all this has been the amazing support - we’re excited and keen to carry this project forward 😀

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Latest donations

B on 03 Dec 2023
Shortjaw on 01 Dec 2023
From the drinkers at Shortjaw
craig and gae
craig and gae on 30 Nov 2023
Garry on 30 Nov 2023
Good luck, stopped in here last year. What a beautiful spot to spend some time
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 Nov 2023
You guys of all peole I have ever known did not deserve this. I hope more people start donating here so you can get going on this awesome project again soon xxxx love Fi, Reef and Jon xxxx

Who's involved?

EPIC Kawatiri Westport's avatar
Created by EPIC Kawatiri Westport (Business)
Jess & Jessica Paley-Atkins's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Jess & Jessica Paley-Atkins
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This campaign started on 21 Nov 2023 and ended on 21 Dec 2023.