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Get Gui to his family in Brazil and help cover medical expenses cancer has inflicted on his family

  • Closure

      25 July 2023
    Posted by: Guilherme Magalhaes
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    It was while listening to this song that I said my final goodbye to my mom.

    This song always reminded me of her. I can't recall if I watched Spirited Away with her for the first time, but we definitely watched it together a few times.

    Anime, especially Ghibli movies, always had a strong emotional impact on me because of this connection with my mom. Whenever I asked her to watch them with me, she always said 'yes' without hesitation.

    One of those moments made it clear that she did it for my sake. We were almost at the end of Ponyo when my sister walked by the TV and asked, 'Are you guys watching this movie again?' I was surprised because I had checked with my mom before we started if we had already seen it, and she replied, 'Yes, we have, but you enjoy it so much.'

    Many other memories come to mind, but the feeling of empowerment and the drive to pursue my dreams, which brought me to where I am now, all started with Spirited Away. The movie had a profound impact on me, giving me dreams that seemed beyond my reach, and from that point on, it didn't matter how outside of my reality they were, my mom always supported and worked hard to help me get there.

    For those of you who know me, whether really well or briefly. I hope I made you feel the love and kindness my mom taught me to live by.

    'No need to search the land, nor sail across the sea

    'Cause it's here shining inside me, it's right here deep inside me

    Thanks to you I've found the light, and it's always with me'

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  • The hug we have all been waiting for.

      10 July 2023

    Sueli, Gui’s mother, and gui finally get the hug we all wanted to see. Times are very certain at this point and it seems Gui will likely have to stay longer than anticipated. Thanks for all of your generosity and words of love that have made these unforgettable memories and moments possible.

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  • GUI is reunited with his family

      28 June 2023
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    Thanks again, everyone, for your ongoing and very generous support. Each and every one of your love and support has made a huge impact. Gui is now spending precious moments with his mother that he will cherish forever. His sisters can now take shifts and go back to work, and his father has the invaluable in-person support of his son.

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  • Brazil

      25 June 2023

    Gui has arrived in São Paulo!

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  • Gui is on the last plane to São Paulo and almost reunited with his mother

      25 June 2023

    Thanks so much every one for your LOVE and support.

    Gui's mom, Sueli has been moved to palliative care.

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  • Update: Gui is on a plane & Beyond Grateful for everyone's support and generous contributions.

      24 June 2023


    Gui is on a plane! We had a flight booked for him for Wednesday, however at 7:00am this morning he received a call from his father to tell him that his mother's condition had become critical and he needed to come today. We spent all day on the phone and emailing, helping Gui to change his flights, which proved to be extremely challenging and stressful, but in the end we managed to get him on a flight today.

    Thank you so much for all of your generous donations. I cannot explain the difference this will make for Gui and his family. I also would like to note that the $10,000 was a goal that I selected as an initial number, which of course will make a huge impact, and anything above that will continue to assist in paying the medical bills that will no doubt exceed this amount.

    Thank you everyone for all the love.

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