Get NZ's comedians home safe from gigs

$1,355 donated
Given by 24 generous donors in 9 weeks

Help get NZ's women and NB comedians home safe after gigs!


Working in comedy means late nights, drunk punters hanging about, and always leaving work in the dark. After a comedian was murdered on her way home in Melbourne in 2018 we took a short survey of 61 women and NB people who are (or have been) professional comedians in New Zealand and found the results very sobering.

More than one third have been attacked or assaulted on their way home from events, 79% have been harassed, and 51% turn down comedy gigs because of a lack of safe and affordable transport options to get home. More than one person reported being actually raped on the way home from an event, and a second woman experienced an attempted rape. One woman advised that because she is transgender experiencing violence in public wasn’t unusual anyway. Personal safety was described as a “huge factor” in whether or not one woman accepts gigs, and another said the cost of ubering to and from gigs to stay safe was a “massive financial burden.”

Comedy isn’t known for making it rain cash money, especially for younger and newer comedians, which makes them especially at risk. Having less money shouldn’t mean you just accept that your life should be in more danger!

Our comedy community would be so grateful for your assistance in getting all our women and non binary comedians home safe after gigs.

We also have an annual fundraiser - come along!! It will be one hell of a comedy show!

Use of funds

100% of the funds will be used to pay for Zoomys / Ubers to get female & NB comedians home safe after gigs.

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 14 Dec 2018
Mama Z
Mama Z on 13 Dec 2018
Thank you for this cause! We all need it.
David on 11 Dec 2018
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 11 Dec 2018
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 09 Dec 2018

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, The Fan Brigade (Business) on behalf of Get Me Home
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This campaign started on 29 Oct 2018 and ended on 31 Dec 2018.