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Get the Chop shop back up and running again

$4,580 of $40,000 goal
Given by 49 generous donors in 15 days

Revive this whanaus dream again


On the 30th of may a family’s lively hood has been destroyed … Matt an Alicia’s family business went up in smoke, an customers meat has been lost… but mostly there entire butchery their main source of income has been lost. The fire has left them with nothing salvageable.

Unfortunately they had no insurance

Fortunately though the fire crews were able to contain the fire before it reached their home.

For those of you who don’t know what or who the Chop Shop Home kill is, it’s a small family Home Kill Butcher located in Ngunguru, Northland.

Matt poured his heart an soul into his business, building the entire shop from scratch, for the last 2 years it’s been his main priority.

He went over and above to make sure that customers were getting exactly what they wanted.

This guy would give you the shirt off his back, and bag of sausages if you were in need.

Matt is driven to help teach this younger generation, an anyone who’s interested, where there meat comes from and how to process it, quite often he would have kids give up their weekend to come and watch and learn from him. He’s such an inspiration.

Young Hunter (their 2 year old son) spent most of his time supervising his dad in the butcher. A with just over 2 weeks until their new baby girl is due, this fire has left them absolutely devastated

This pages is being set up to help them clean up, relive the financial pressure, an get the Chop Shop back up and running.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Nga Mihi

Jermaine Howard's involvement (page creator)

Close cousins and neighbors

Use of funds

Removal of burned down business and build new shop

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Latest donations

Lindy on 10 Jun 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Jun 2023
Mason on 06 Jun 2023
Annie +Pete
Annie +Pete on 04 Jun 2023
We know you will be up and running again soon Matty and Alesha
Keith on 04 Jun 2023
Go well Matt and Alisia

Who's involved?

Jermaine Howard's avatar
Created by Jermaine Howard
Chop Shop Home Kill Ltd's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Chop Shop Home Kill Ltd (Business)
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This campaign started on 1 Jun 2023 and ended on 16 Jun 2023.