Get Luke to the 2017 World University Games

$2,200 of $5,000 goal
Given by 44 generous donors in 10 weeks

Help me represent New Zealand at the 2017 World University Games in Taiwan in August.


Hi Guys,

My name is Luke Dobney. I am a New Zealand Senior Gymnast who has been selected to represent New Zealand at the 2017 World Uni Games in Taiwan.

I have started a blog to keep everyone updated with my progress, check it out

My background in gymnastics started as a 3 year old and continued until I was 11. At that point I left the sport behind due to injury and family commitments. 13 years later when I was 24 I made the decision to come back to gymnastics with the lofty goal of competing at the Commonwealth Games in 2018. Fast forward 3 years and I am one of the athletes in the running for the games. As part of the build up I have been selected to represent NZ at the World University Games in Taiwan. The cost of the trip is around $5,000.

Gymnastics in New Zealand is self funded. Working (almost) full time, I manage to cover much of the costs of training and competing myself. In the past year I have been to two different overseas competitions and have had to rely on the help of my parents to get me there.

Any help you can provide to get me to the World University Games will be much appreciated. The old cliche "every little bit helps" really does ring true in my situation.

Use of funds

The funds will be used to cover the following:

- Flights

- Accommodation

- Competition Fees

- Uniform

Other page links

Latest update

New progress Blog  29 June 2017

Thank you all for your support so far! I appreciate it so much.

We have 6 weeks to go before world uni games! I also have world championship trials in 3 weeks, so looking forward to that!

If you want to follow along with my progress I have started a blog, which I will try to update at least once a week. Check it out...

Thank you again!


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Latest donations

Joo on 11 Aug 2017
Good luck bru
HT on 09 Aug 2017
Good luck Luke, will be cheering you on.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 01 Aug 2017
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 31 Jul 2017
Good luck mate
Stefan Whiting
Stefan Whiting on 31 Jul 2017
stronger, higher, longer, faster and bouncier... good luck

Who's involved?

Luke Dobney's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Luke Dobney
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This campaign started on 1 Jun 2017 and ended on 12 Aug 2017.