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Support for Helicopter Pilot Glen Conning's Family

$61,803 of $250,000 goal
Given by 261 generous donors in 21 days

Memorial for Helicopter Pilot Glen Conning's Family

Nelson / Tasman

In the wake of devastating loss, Glen Conning's life was tragically taken on Monday 5 August 2024 in Papua, Indonesia. Leea and Kaley, his beloved children and his wife Natasha, now find themselves navigating a world without their Dad and husband.

In honour of Glen's memory, we humbly ask for your generosity to support Glen's girls to help them now and into the future. The "Give a Little for Glen and his girls" initiative seeks to help his grieving family with expenses at this difficult time. Your donation, no matter the size, can make a difference in helping the family after the loss of Glen.

Glen was a valued and experienced South Island helicopter pilot, and a community man. When the Port Hills fires happened, Glen jumped in to help. He was a great friend to many and his infectious smile and his wild sense of humour will be hugely missed.

Let us come together as a community, to support his family and honour Glen's memory as his love for his family and community, friendship and generosity knew no bounds.

Taraia Brown's involvement (page creator)

Use of funds

Donations will contribute towards costs associated with his passing, including reparation and funeral costs, all donations beyond this will go towards Glen's girls' education and future security.

This page has been created in collaboration with the Conning Family.

Funds to be paid directly to Glen's wife, Natasha Conning.

Taraia Brown's involvement (page creator)

I am Natasha's best friend of 45 years.

Use of funds

Repatriation, funeral and memorial costs for Glen. This fund will also cover any unexpected costs arising out of this and will provide future security for Glen's wife and his children

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Latest donations

Murray on 28 Aug 2024
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 Aug 2024
Sean & Beverley
Sean & Beverley on 26 Aug 2024
For one gutless & senseless moment a helicopter pilots life was taken out. Shame on those concerned who obviously put no value on a human's life. I have been watching & reading the various comments towards Glens Givealittle page. Obviously a remarkable man who was highly respected & very much loved my so many. Our sincerest condolences to Glen's family & friends Sean & Beverley Ex PNG
Joseph on 23 Aug 2024
Kiwi men don’t cry……often. But every one of Glens mates, (old and new )that I spoke to about him, readily admitted to crying when we heard the news. He was a special man. You’re lucky to have had him as your dad and husband Leea, Kaley, Tash.
Cory on 22 Aug 2024

Who's involved?

Taraia Brown's avatar
Created by Taraia Brown
Natasha Conning's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Natasha Conning
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This campaign started on 8 Aug 2024 and ended on 29 Aug 2024.