Give Kiri the gift of Time

$3,620 donated
Given by 23 generous donors in 24 days

Seeking donations to fund the drug Pemetrexed, so Kiri can continue Immunotherapy Cancer treatment (no longer eligible for funding).

Christchurch, Canterbury

Kiri is a 57-year-old terminal cancer warrior who is married with 2 children and 3 grandchildren. She is a bubbly, intelligent, & positive woman who is a keen gardener & talented in arts and crafts. She has a way about her that is calm and comforting, and an infectious grin.

Unfortunately, Kiri was diagnosed with lung cancer in June 2022, where the hospital told her there was no treatment available. Kiri did not accept this, transferring to St George's, and paying $70,000 to receive Immunotherapy and Chemotherapy until PHARMAC approved her treatment in January 2023.

In April 2024, Kiri was back in Christchurch Hospital, her treatment put on hold due to her diagnosis of a brain tumour and having to go under the knife twice to have it removed.

June 2024, Kiri has now ben diagnosed with a second brain tumor and awaiting a plan for treatment to remove it.

Kiri continues to live with a positive attitude & fighting spirit. However, PHARMAC refuse to fund the drug Pemetrexed due to a clause in their terms, stating she loses funding if the cancer spreads to another part of the body.

Kiri's Life insurance is only able to partially fund her immunotherapy that she needs to treat her lung cancer, and she and her family need help to fund the rest. This will cost her $617 per cycle.

Please give what you can, to support Kiri's battle with cancer, gifting her time with her family & friends to live her best life. Any support is much appreciated.

Please, share her page if you are able.

Jo Tawharu's involvement (page creator)

I was lucky enough to have met Kiri in Christchurch Public Hospital on the Neuro ward just before she got her first brain tumour removed, and she has become a very loved and admired friend.

Use of funds

Funds will be spent on Kiri's immunotherapy (Pemetrexed), as well as any arising costs such as transport to and from the hospital, & any ongoing equipment or supplies needed to support Kiri to treat her cancer, easing the financial burdens for her & her husband.

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Latest update

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Radiation  24 June 2024

Hello to all who are following Kiri's journey.

Kiri starts radiation treatment for the second brain tumour this coming Wednesday 26th June 2024. The radiation zaps will be done over a 5 day period.

We are all hoping this will be successful for her, to avoid having to have more brain surgery.

Kiri is keeping in good spirits, despite the headaches, nausea, lack of sleep and multiple medications she is on.

She continues to make the most of every day, hour by hour, although most everyday things leave her exhausted afterwards.

We thank you all for continuing to support Kiri to receive her treatments and allow her more time with her family and friends. She really is a remarkable woman.

Many thanks,


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Latest donations

Angela 6 days ago
Jill on 21 Jun 2024
Friends of Glen and Corinne, good luck, love David, Jill, Michael and Andrew Xxx
Jo Tawharu

Thank you so much Jill, David, Michelle and Andrew. X

Jo Tawharu
Sophie ,Jill and Pauline
Sophie ,Jill and Pauline on 20 Jun 2024
Jo Tawharu

Thank you all so so much, appreciate the support

Jo Tawharu
Reece & Bec x
Reece & Bec x on 19 Jun 2024
All our love ❤️ Reece, Bec, Barney and Fred x
Jo Tawharu

Thank you Reece, Bec, Barney and Fred, love aunty Kiri x

Jo Tawharu
Ford on 18 Jun 2024
keep fighting to have the best life you can Kiri with your family and friends.
Jo Tawharu

Thank you so much, Kiri starts radiation next week so very little bit helps!

Jo Tawharu

Who's involved?

Jo Tawharu's avatar
Created by Jo Tawharu
Kiri Ward's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Kiri Ward
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This campaign started on 6 Jun 2024 and ends on 5 Jun 2026.