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Gizmo needs Surgery

$2,375 of $3,500 goal
Given by 47 generous donors in 14 days

Gizmo needs major orthopaedic surgery to continue to live a long & happy life


Hey guys , my beautiful 21mth old rag doll Gizmo got hit by a car on Friday night & requires a pretty major orthopaedic surgery to be able to live his life , gizmo is Kaydens best friend & I want to do everything in my power to keep his best friend here . I never ask for help & this is the hardest thing I have ever had to do , to some Gizmo is just to cat but to us he is the most loyal , loving fellow you will ever meet , please help me keep him with us .

Love to you all so much 💕💕

Use of funds

To pay for the cost of his surgery

Latest update

Update image

Gizmo after surgery   7 March 2021

So I thought I would give an update on our the little man is doing , he has recovered so amazing you would hardly believe anything even happened to him . We are so grateful to everyone who helped to keep this little guy alive , our lives are so full ♥️

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Latest donations

Ethan on 30 Nov 2020
I hope beautiful Gizmo will have a smooth recovery!
Angela Ireland

Thank you so much for your kind donation - lots of love Gizmo & his people ❤️💕

Angela Ireland
Emilee on 30 Nov 2020
Wishing you a speedy recovery Gizmo. Your family loves you!
Angela Ireland

Thank you so much for your kind donation - lots of love Gizmo & his people ❤️💕

Angela Ireland
drbby on 29 Nov 2020
glad he is recovering. Beautiful cat. Xx
Angela Ireland

Thank you so much for your kind donation - lots of love Gizmo & his people ❤️💕

Angela Ireland
Alexa on 27 Nov 2020
Good luck little one
Angela Ireland

Thank you so much for your kind donation - lots of love Gizmo & his people ❤️💕

Angela Ireland
Megan on 26 Nov 2020
Hope recovery goes well
Angela Ireland

Thank you so much for your kind donation - lots of love Gizmo & his people ❤️💕

Angela Ireland

Who's involved?

Angela Ireland's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Angela Ireland
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This campaign started on 22 Nov 2020 and ended on 6 Dec 2020.