Support Damon Rees
Whakatane, Bay Of Plenty
As many of you know Damo is in intensive care fighting for his life (not racing related) in Hull Hospital in the UK. As we cannot be their to support him and Talia, maybe we can, by giving a little to help with any recovery and accommodation costs they need. We all know Damo will beat this huge challenge life has thrown at him and the Rees family.
A very special and talented young man
Day to day living costs, accomodation costs to help support Damon and Talia on the road to recovery
Damo 1 August 2023
Thank you everyone on behalf of Talia, Tony, Vicki, Mitch & Mihi. The support and kind words on the Give a Little page has been overwhelming. Thank you all so much for your generosity.
Thank you 🥰
Thank you 🥰
Thank you 🥰
Thank you 🥰