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Graysons Transplant

  • Monday 9th Sept

      9 September 2019
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    Just when we thought everything was humming along - BOOM - Emergency trip to Whangarei ED, a night on Ward 2, then transferred to Starship yesterday with the term 'relapse' being thrown in the mix. We are waiting on a biopsy tomorrow and a batch of blood tests have been run, but we are holding on to the possibility that this is not a relapse and just a crazy bump in the road.

    For those that have been following our journey you'll know that a relapse means no cure, so this better be just one helluva bump and we can continue on our way soon.


    #justkeepswimming #nottodaycancer #battler

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  • 22nd February

      22 February 2019
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    The good news, we made it home!

    The bad news, we're back already.

    Grayson and I managed four glorious sleeps in our own beds for the first time since November last year. In a strange symmetry we arrived home on Valentines Day, exactly one year to the day since we left for Starship, back when all of this began.

    The chance to bring Grayson home to his own space was just too good. Alex left for Police College on Saturday so it was also our last opportunity to be in our own home together as a family for a rather long while, and Grayson had been doing so well! It was not an easy decision for Alex to accept the offer of place at the RNZPC at Porirua to compete the intense 16weeks training to join the police, but it's an act of faith. It's our way of walking the talk that everything will be ok, and that we still have a bright and busy future to plan for. It's an investment for the son we will bring up and role model for. For now, we can only trundle along like there is no alternative.

    Unfortunately Grayson had a flair up of Graft vs Host Disease (GVHD) which is simultaneously the worst side effect of his bone marrow transplant, and his best chance of reaching remission. Nothing else has yet worked. It's a thin line between benefitting from a new immune system and suffering from the effects of the donor cells attacking his own "healthy" cells.

    Ultimately the goal is for the donor cells to attack the cancer cells, but when the GVHD flairs up too much he ends up with painful rashes over most of his body, especially his hands and feet; some areas become so bad the skin wipes away, leaving areas that are more like deep burns than any normal rash. The GVHD also affects his bowels, basically creating the same effect as the skin rash but throughout his gut. This has lead to weight loss and more pain.

    We were admitted on Monday and spent four days in isolation. Unable to leave the room we had to make do with whatever games we could come up with, but Grayson is fantastic company, even when he's having a hard day. Nothing much slows him down. It's almost a blessing he is too young to really understand because he doesn't dwell on the on the pain. He lives in the moment. He's full on, but he's lots of fun.

    Now, we are thankfully back at the Ronmac house, our home away from home. The doctors want us nearby to keep a close eye on his progress before we can head back to Whangarei. He has a bit of healing to do, but he's doing well. He's come so far already, improving daily. The medications do throw him around a bit but we take that day by day, just like eveything else.

    At first I was so disappointed to be back after finally being home. But, really, it was just a good reminder to be in the moment, find the things I'm grateful for and then just get on with it. We've been doing this long enough now that nothing was a surprise.

    We've also been following the Market Day for Grayson being put on by the Parua Bay playcenter; what an emotional lift it's giving us! Just to see the pure altruistic generosity of so many is so inspiring and heart warming. The effort the ladies are going to, the donations being made by our community, the lot! It's got me thinking hard about how we'll ever be able to pay it forward. We sorely want to be there, but at this stage its touch and go if we will be able to make it home for the weekend, even for a short visit.

    I'm so looking forward to getting Grayson home again properly and reclaiming our 'old' normal - as much as we can do after a life changing few months away, anyway. Grayson has developed so much since we left; he's not yet two but he's leaps ahead of where he was 4months ago. Truely living moment by moment is a hard habit to learn, but I think I'm getting there slowly, with Grayson's great example.

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      29 January 2019
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    Parua Bay Playcenter are putting on a Market Day to help raise funds and awareness for Grayson on the 23rd of Feb!! 😲❤😄

    Please share, and if you're having a huck out this weekend, or have services you are willing to donate, or baking to share, we would be SO grateful for your support!!

    The community support gives such an incredible lift to Alex and I, the mental and emotional boost is simply massive. It's hard to express our gratitude in mere words!

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  • 28th January 2019

      29 January 2019
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    There's so much I could say about this guy, yet so much speaks for itself.

    #Battler #NotTodayCancer #StrengthInLove

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  • 17th of January

      17 January 2019
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    This is the hardest update to write.

    50 days cancer free. The longest stretch to date without a relapse.

    It's taken me a while to get my head around everything, but last week we found out the cancer is still there.

    I had pushed for a biopsy after my mum-instincts were telling me something wasn't right. To the credit of the doctors at starship they listened and got involved early, so the spread is limited, but just the fact it's *still* there is...


    Another transplant is not an option. Neither is new chemo. Before Grayson's transplant our doctor said if this occurred we would have a 10 - 15% chance of reaching a cure.

    When we got the results last week we were devastated.

    But.This is Grayson we are talking about.

    Grayson, who takes everything in his tiny toddler stride with a wave and a smile for all those around him.

    Grayson, who has come through everything thrown at him so far, and is still learning and growing, becoming the happy wee man we are so fiercely proud of.

    We are not without hope.

    Grayson's doctors are going to try a controlled Graft Vs Host attack, where they let his transplanted donor cells run wild and catch any cancer cells in their crazy attempt to protect themselves from their host. This is not going to be a walk in the park, it can be fatal in it's own right, but if managed well the donor cells may be able to take out any and all the cancer that continues to hide and multiply. They also attack his good cells so this is a painful process.

    They are also going to put him back onto the so called 'wonderdrug' that he was on earlier, the one that didn't provide a cure prior to the transplant but could give him enough time for the donor cells to get their hands dirty. Likewise, there is the potential it would work in conjunction with his new grafted cells in a way his own cells could not. We are still waiting for this to arrive in NZ from the UK.

    It's not a perfect plan but it's something. It has considerable risk, and will be a hard road to walk, but we do it together, importantly with the support of friends and family.

    We are taking it day by day, and when that gets too tough we take it moment by moment.

    Today he's doing OK. Today he's happy.

    #NotTodayCancer #Battler

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    • 18/01/2019 by Maraea

      You are doing a wonderful job supporting your courageous little boy on this arduous journey. Its your love that helps him back up after every knock. The loving support surrounding Grayson contributes to his every triumph. Draw strength from the fact there are a lot of us following Grayson's story and wishing him well on his way to recovery.


  • 11th of January 2019

      14 January 2019
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    Being extraordinary doing extra ordinary stuff

    If it wasn't for the naso tube he'd be as ordinary as they come!

    #thisisliving #smallmomentsmatter #Battler

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  • 28th December

      14 January 2019
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    This time of year always sets me into a mood of reflection, which has only been amplified by staring at the same four hospital walls. We were over the moon to receive a massive surprise from the ASB good as gold nomination, and proud as punch to see our little soldier's face on the front page of the Northern Advocate on Christmas Eve, but nothing topped the feeling of being told we would be discharged for Christmas. The feeling was short lived however as elation turned to anxious dissapointment. Grayson enjoyed his first nights off of the ward in over a month, only to spend most of Christmas day in ED and eventually back in his wee room in the bone marrow transplant unit. We are not expecting to be discharged for a while yet, however we do now get to enjoy stints off the ward during the day as he begins to make progress again. With NY approaching we certainly won't be making any audacious goals to hang on the mantle, instead we will be focusing on what's right in front of us.

    There is always something to be grateful for; fall down seven times, stand up eight; and ultimately, this too shall pass.

    Alex and I are so grateful for the ongoing support. From donations from strangers and friends alike, to those checking in on us and making sure we have everything we need, to my Mum chucking in her job to support us full time with another pair of hands to share the load. Two words never seem like enough, but for now, Thank You.

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  • 15th December 2018

      14 January 2019
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    Every day just gets better 😁

    Grayson has been allowed short breaks off the ward which has been a huge step toward getting out of here for good. An hour of sunshine really lifts the spirits! He's eating small amounts again and able to play and stay awake for longer periods, but exhaustion has been a big part of his world. After being hammered by a gastro bug on top of everything else he is dealing with he's had a long way to come to get this far, but boy it feels good to see him progress daily 😄💪💙

    #cancerfreechristmas #santaslittlebattler

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  • 3rd December 2018

      3 December 2018
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    I think our "tree" needs a star 🎄🌟

    It has all the other necessities, bright lights, dangley things, and bells (also called alarms).

    There are two more infusions under the black bag as they are light sensitive, and I removed Grayson's oxygen mask for the photo (dont worry, not for long), so a total of 9 presents (said medicines) included!🎁

    On the upside, we saw our first sign of progress today with a teeny tiny lift in Grayson's counts, which means good things are on their way 😊

    #dearsanta #cancerfreechristmas #santaslittlebattler

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  • 20th November

      20 November 2018
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    We expect so much from such a tiny person. Today, walking to radiation, starved for anaesthetic, something as seemingly simple as wearing a mask to protect from bugs was a reminder of how much this guy copes with, just one of the many strange and unfair things we ask him to deal with. Just 1 year old. 1 year strong.

    Grayson, you are the epitome of resilience 💪✊❤

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  • 7th November

      12 November 2018
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    We barely got a week.

    Yesterday, we took Grayson into Whangarei hospital which, today, turned into yet another ambulance ride to Starship.

    Relapse; It seems like such a polite word for such a *!@#$%* nightmare.

    The aggressive nature of Grayson's disease has shown yet again how fast it can take over. Despite all the chemo they've thrown at him it comes back. Last week we were celebrating our biggest achievement to date, no tumors!! Today, it's like that never happened.

    It's hard to not let this update sounds completely dark doom and gloom. But also to not sprinkle positivity glitter over it and pretend it's ok.

    There are still moments of sunshine despite it all.

    Like watching his pure enjoyment of driving in tight circles inside a ride-in car, despite the tiny hospital room.

    Like seeing him find the energy to work on his dance moves any time he hears music, despite the tangling IV lines.

    Like watching him learn hifives are cool and the nurses love them too, despite the gloves, gowns and masks they wear to protect him from everyone else.

    For now, we have no option but to get on with it. Eyes forward. Focus on the goal. My son will be cured. He has to be.

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  • 1st November

      12 November 2018

    Well, we finally have some happy news!!!

    As much as I'm sick of the saying "it's been a rollercoaster", it really has. Grayson has accumulated a further 60 or more beads in these last 2 and a bit weeks alone! What started with a very tough week of chemo, multiple days of being starved for general anaesthetics, a broken hickman line (the thing that comes out of his chest), a very very scary reaction to a new medication, severe side effects still raging from the ICE ontop of being sore and tired, has turned into a great outcome.

    We have been given the best news we have been given so far. Grayson has responded well to the ICE chemotherapy on top of the brentuximab, and is in the best condition to start his bone marrow transplant a month early!! 🎉🎉

    His body is now tumour free which means the bone marrow transplant will have the best chance of success, which, combined with some more chemo and some radiation, should rid him of the cancer cells that are still in his blood.💪🤞🙏

    We got even more good news yesterday that Grayson would be allowed a brief window at home (home is paradise to us, after spending so much time in hospital) so we are love love loving the time we get to spend together at home! We will be living in Auckland full time from the 13th, and wont be coming home for the best part of the next 4 or so months, so we have heaps to do to get packed up for the move.

    Thank you to EVERYONE who has shared, donated, talked about or just taken the time to visit Grayson's give a little page. The messages of support have been so wonderful to read and the support could not have come at a better time. We are humbled and so so thankful ❤

    Once the transplant goes ahead we still have a long road of recovery and Grayson will have many more dark days before we are free from this journey, but for now we can enjoy the sunshine while it lasts.

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  • Just a boy and his Wolfie

      17 October 2018
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    Thank you thank you THANK YOU to everyone who has donated to or shared Graysons give a little page so far. What a phenomenal response and such a morale boost for his family to read the amazing messages. Please keep it up and keep it circulating 👍

    Earlier this week Grayson and his family traveled back to Aucklands Starship Hospital to start yet another round of chemo, but this time to prep him for the transplant. He had a very rough start but Grayson is enjoying a bit of relief between sessions. Today, finally having a bit of reprieve from the severe nausea he had over night and into the afternoon, he enjoyed a spoonful of peanut butter and a cuddle with his best mate Wolfie ❤

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