Help Heather and Tony

$4,760 donated
Given by 61 generous donors in around 10 months

Raising financial support for Tony & Heather. Tony is fighting a battle against Lymphoma and a brain tumour. Please help support them!


In late 2014 Tony was admitted to the hospital for the first time in his life. After biopsies of his brain and countless tests, Tony was diagnosed with Lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes) and a rare brain tumour that as resulted, in January.

He is now undergoing aggressive chemotherapy, radiation and is part of a wonderful international trial of treatment specifically for the tumour resulting from the Lymphoma.

Tony, who is usually a highly active hunter, and radio technician is now unable to work and has had to resign from his job. He is in hospital every week for treatment and these treatments are taking their toll on Tony.

Heather is now supporting the both of them, while trying to balance work, caring for Tony and practically learning to be a nurse so she can administer the drugs Tony needs on a daily basis.

The tragedy of this situation is that Tony and Heather had many insurances out, which they thought would cover their situation, should it ever have arisen - health, life, income, credit card, you name it. Yet each and every one of these oragnisations has managed to find a loop hole in their situation, and will provide no relief whatsoever to these lovely people. This is a blow they did not need!!

This page has been set up to make life a little easier for these amazing couple, who have been dealt an incredibly difficult hand. I want to encourage everyone band together and rally support from family, friends, colleagues and even strangers to provide Tony and Heather with some financial support throughout their struggles.

Tony has made incredible contributions to radio during his career, and Heather has contributed greatly to the Design community throughout her years. They have worked hard and have made valuable selfless contributions to their fields of expertise.

Please donate to this cause, just to give them one less worry, in amongst the mounting medical costs, hospital parking, reduction of income to one, and many other costs that they are enduring at the moment and in the coming months and Tony fights against this, and Heather lovingly supports him through it. Help restore their faith, that are willing to help after they have been dealt disappointing news from the organisations they have paid for years to support them in time of need, that have grossly let them down.

These two people are such good-natured, hard working, lovely people, who are always there for others - and now they are in need of your help and support.

Your contribution, no matter how small, will go a long way to helping them through this.

Candice Baker's involvement (page creator)

I'm involved because I work with Heather every day and see how strong she is being for Tony. Tony and Heather have a huge amount of people that care and want to help, so I would like to provide a practical way for people to help, from near or far.

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Latest update

Grimwood May 2015 Update  24 May 2015

To say it the last four months have been a challenge would be an understatement. I don’t know how either Tony or myself have made it at times, particularly Tony. He has had to endure three months of intensive chemo treatment that has left him very tired and very weak. In the middle of treatment he suffered a brain bleed, which was very scary as we did not know if he would recover from that, but he thankfully he did and continued with treatment.

During that time so many people – family, friends, my boss, angels and even some wonderful people we don’t know personally – have helped us either financially or just with their never-failing support. Without either we could not have got this far on our own. Thank you seems so inadequate, but we both do thank you so very much from the bottom of our hearts.

Our journey is not over. The tumour has been shrunk by the chemo but it has not resolved it completely. Tony has reached the end of traditional medical options for his CNS Lymphoma. But he is so much better mentally than he was four months ago; his thinking and short term memory has improved. We are grateful for the extra time the chemo has given us to be together and now look for other options that may work for him.

All we can do is go with the flow, be there for each other and make the most of our time together. Our current goal is to see what we can find as an alternative. We also hope to complete the trip we missed for our wedding anniversary to the Waitaki at Christmas or sooner. And get Tony fit enough for him to be able go for a walk in his beloved bush.

Some have said it is hard to know what to say. I know, sometimes I don’t know what to say either. So just know that we understand and are forever grateful for your love and support.

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Dan loves Adobe
Dan loves Adobe on 17 Apr 2015
Bronwyn and James
Bronwyn and James on 17 Apr 2015
Thinking of you both every day. We were touched by your strength, courage and positive outlook - keep it up.
Cam on 16 Apr 2015
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 Apr 2015
I really wish the best for both of you as this must be a very very hard time to go through. I really hope Tony pulls through and is able to live life for a long time yet.
IDUG Andy on 28 Mar 2015

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Heather Grimwood's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Heather Grimwood on behalf of Tony and Heather Grimwood
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This campaign started on 19 Feb 2015 and ended on 31 Dec 2015.