He Rau Aroha- Te Huringa O nga tai

$4,570 donated
Given by 96 generous donors in around 5 months

He Rau Aroha- Te Huringa O Nga Tai


Te Huringa O Nga Tai (Wiki) at 3 years old has been diagnosed with acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL) ALL is known to be the most common form of cancer found in children and occurs when bone marrow cells develops errors in its DNA.

I am sure that we all have to deal with cancer in some way throughout our lives and know how hard it is and could not imagine having to watch your own child go through this. This has become a reality for Jaimee and partner Corey (and Dawson) father, along with Wikis older brothers Warakihi and Orlando.

The whanau are based in Waikato however, had to relocate to the Ronald McDonald House in Auckland and has already undergone surgery. There is a long road ahead for Wiki and his whanau and there is no indication on how long they would be required to be in Auckland. Although they have an amazing support network of work,friends and whanau the cost of living can not be put on hold until Wiki has kicked ALL in the butt! we humbly ask that if you can offer koha to this whanau who constantly put others before themselves, to please do so. Big or Small, its Appreciated and will allow this beautiful loving whanau to be there with Wiki without the financial pressures that will follow

Nga Mihi!

Chelsea Makoare's involvement (page creator)

I am a very close friend and family memeber of the family and want to help make things a little bit easier for them at this hard time.

Use of funds

travel cost from starship hospital to Hamilton and living expenses

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Te Huringa O Ngā Tai update  11 March 2023

Posted by: Jaimee Walker

Ngā mihi nui rawa Kia Koutou kātoa!!

Thank you whānau for all your aroha for our baby Te Huringa o Ngā Tai (Wiki).

No words could ever express our gratitude to you all.

So we are currently in the first phase of treatment, our baby went from a skinny 14.7kg baby to a now borderline 19kg tank of a toddler in less than 4 weeks due to the steroids.

At the moment we are in Starship as he has an infection but fingers crossed we will be transferred back to the Ronald McDonald house as soon as he is able to.

At this point he has no immune system so keeping him healthy is our main priority until his bone marrow is able to create white blood cells (the infection fighting cells) to fight off different infections on his own. This should happen in the next couple of weeks. Let’s hope and pray that he goes into remission … fingers crossed!

After that we start phase 2 where he will be on more intensive chemotherapy, which means his hair will start falling out or thinning 😭. We will be living in isolation for the next 6-9months to keep all the bugs and germs away which includes our tamariki being home-schooled (Wish us luck lol)..

As we progress I will continue to update everyone!

Tēnei rā te mihi maioha ki a Koutou kātoa.

Nā mātou te whānau o Te Huringa o Ngā Tai (Wiki)

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Arama on 18 Mar 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 Mar 2023
Arohanunui ❤️❤️❤️
Darleen on 15 Mar 2023
Kia kaha koe Te Huringa o Nga Tai. Naa too hoa a Tukotuku x
Robyn on 15 Mar 2023
A&L Hovell Whanau
A&L Hovell Whanau on 14 Mar 2023
Kia kaha, sending aroha & blessings sweetheart

Who's involved?

Chelsea Makoare's avatar
Created by Chelsea Makoare
Jaimee Walker's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Jaimee Walker on behalf of Te huringa o nga tai
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This campaign started on 26 Feb 2023 and ended on 26 Jul 2023.