Help us raise funds for a headstone for my Mum - gone too soon

$2,410 donated
Given by 32 generous donors in around 10 months

My Mum passed away in August 2017 and as we could not afford a funeral we would like to have a plaque or headstone for her.


My beautiful Mum Heather Cameron, fought with anxiety and depression for most of life. Unfortunately she lost her battle and took her own life on Saturday the 19th of August 2017. As she wanted to be cremated, we had to do a direct cremation as we could not afford a funeral. I organized a memorial for her in the town she lived in - Rotorua at her friends place.

As her only child, I would love to have a plaque or headstone for her in either Rotorua or in her home town of Palmerston North for her friends and family to be able to visit.

Thank you.

Haley Plaistowe's involvement (page creator)

I am involved because she was my Mum. She was amazing and as her only child she was always so supportive and loving towards me. I just want to have a physical place to remember her.

Use of funds

The funds raised will go directly towards getting a headstone or plaque made for her along with the plot.

Any left over funds will be donated to the following charities

Life Matters suicide prevention

Mental Health Foundation Of New Zealand.

Latest donations

Ange on 28 Nov 2017
Would love to have somewhere to visit and remember all our laughs and chats we had over the years.
Denise Gunn and family
Denise Gunn and family on 13 Nov 2017
We miss Heather so much. We loved having her come to stay with us (we had so many laughs and such genius conversations together about anything and everything). So many parts of our house and our little farm reminds me of her - even our turkeys as Heather and I named them all one afternoon - we were going to start naming the bees next - all 2,000 of them ;) I miss our phone conversations, our facebook chats, and our texts. I just miss her. Dear Haley - I think of you and your mum every day xx
Kay & Richard
Kay & Richard on 09 Nov 2017
Wish we had known, we only met her a few times but really liked her. We did no know what had happened to her.
Haley Plaistowe

I am so sorry you were unaware. She passed away in August. She was such a likable person, I think everyone liked her. Thank you so much for your donation xx

Haley Plaistowe
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 09 Nov 2017
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 08 Nov 2017
I wish I could afford more Hayley your Mum is proud of you I am sure. Make the most of your life and give your Mum the best headstone you can. Arohanui.
Haley Plaistowe

Thank you so mmuch xx

Haley Plaistowe

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Haley Plaistowe
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This campaign started on 30 Sep 2017 and ended on 3 Aug 2018.