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A helping hand for Helena’s family

$21,215 donated
Given by 281 generous donors in 5 weeks

A helping hand for Helena's family. For her services to women's health as a breast cancer crusader.


Helena McAlpine died of breast cancer aged 37. Helena’s legacy of campaigning for breast cancer awareness helped save other women.

She was a true crusader for womens’ health. Now it’s our turn to help her.

Helena’s long illness and bouts of treatment made it difficult to work so please donate.

Your generosity will help provide for Shannon, Helena’s 15 year old daughter and give Helena the life celebration and send-off she deserves.

From when she was first diagnosed with breast cancer in October 2009, aged 31, Helena was committed to sharing her story publicly and gave her time freely to The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation (NZBCF) . Her broadcasting skills, plus her remarkable ability to connect with audiences and tell her story, made her a unique voice against breast cancer. For six years, Helena gave her time and talents to help save Kiwi women.

In addition to her awareness-raising work, Helena made a huge contribution to the NZBCF’s fundraising efforts by fronting a volunteer recruitment campaign for the Pink Ribbon Street Appeal which attracted 9000 volunteer collectors. Helena was the face of the appeal for three years.

Despite illness-enforced unemployment, Helena never requested payment for her services; her motivation was purely to save other women, to spare their families the pain and loss she knew her own family would eventually suffer. Please support Helena’s family now by donating to help Shannon, Chris and her UK based family.

Staff and friends of the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation's involvement (page creator)

Helena made a huge contribution to the NZBCF’s fundraising and early-detection education efforts. She gave her time and talents to help save Kiwi women and now it's our time to help her.

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Thank you for helping Helena's family  8 October 2015

Hi everyone,

On behalf of Helena’s family and daughter Shannon I wanted to express our heartfelt gratitude to the generosity of all the donors who have contributed to this give-a-little campaign which has raised $20k. We are hugely thankful for your support, love and kindness.

A special thanks to the team at the St James Theatre for their contribution, and to all the amazing people and companies who pitched in to help with the funeral arrangements and supporting the family.

For those who unable to make the service at the St James you can watch a video courtesy of events management company, Uno Loco here.

Finally, an extra special thank you to the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation for everything you have done for Helena, her family, and NZ women in general.

It’s the Pink Ribbon Street Appeal on Fri 9th and Sat 10th October – please show your support. I’ll be shaking a bucket with the rest of you.

Heartfelt thanks,

Chris Barton

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 26 Oct 2015
A wonderful lady
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 26 Oct 2015
Anthony Flannery
Anthony Flannery on 13 Oct 2015
One of the most inspiring and wonderful people I have ever met. My sincere thoughts and best wishes to her family and closest friends. The sadness of her loss is simply proportional to the magic she weaved - and over the fullness of time, the latter will far out-live the former.
Jenna on 12 Oct 2015
Loved hearing Helena speak before the breast cancer movie last year. She really inspired me!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 08 Oct 2015

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This campaign started on 23 Sep 2015 and ended on 31 Oct 2015.