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Help 20,000 New Zealanders suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

  • Swimming

      4 July 2023
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    Hi everyone, I have some cool news to share! Most people who know me have no clue about my lifelong fear of freestyle swimming. Since childhood, trying to do freestyle breathing has literally brought on panic attacks. As an adult I will float about in the sea or sit in a spa, but generally avoid pools and never attempt to swim. As a challenge to myself to conquer this fear, a few months ago I signed up for swimming lessons. Progress was slow and I still doubted I would ever reach my goal of becoming a confident swimmer. However with the help of an amazing coach, and after countless laps with a flutter board, today I completed my first ever 25m lap without one - it literally felt like a miracle!

    Cliches often exist for a reason, and as I caught my breath looking towards the far end of the pool that I had just come from, I thought about how so recently and for so long, swimming seemed absolutely impossible to me. And yet with the right coach, a pair of goggles, and persistence, a lifelong fear of 40 years was overcome in just a few short months. If we had the courage to face our fears, what else could we overcome? If we challenged the notion of "impossible", what could we achieve in no time at all?

    Helen xxx

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  • World IBD Day

      2 June 2023
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    Hi everyone!

    May 19th is World IBD Day, and for the past three years Crohn's and Colitis New Zealand have hosted an event at Parliament to advocate for the 20,000 New Zealanders living with IBD.

    I'm lucky enough to volunteer on the World IBD Day Committee, and this year we chose the theme of "Blessings from IBD". Every illness has two sides. However we often focus on the pain and the losses, and forget to acknowledge the healing and the blessings... The communities we build, the experiences we have, the love, support and care we receive - all things that without IBD, we may have taken for granted. For example, IBD has literally taken me to Parliament! One of my biggest blessings however, is that each and every day, IBD teaches me the power of living in the present moment. (So much so that I forgot to take any photos until the event was over lol! So here's me about to leave the Great Hall after enjoying great conversations and countless canapés).

    What are the blessings that IBD (or another illness) has given you?

    Helen xxx

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  • Help Name My Baby!

      10 May 2023
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    Hi everyone! Well I've learned very quickly that SurveyMonkey has it's limits! So I have relaunched the "Help Name My Baby!" survey using Mailchimp which should work a lot better. If you would like to participate in helping decide the official name for this project, please do so here...

    Thanks again for all of your suggestions and contributions,

    Helen xxx

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  • Name & Logo

      10 May 2023
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    Hi everyone!

    Just wanted to give you a quick update over lunch while I'm perusing music themed logos as inspiration for the logo for this project. I LOVE music and got my hands on a brilliant book called "Band ID" by Bodhi Oser. I now have a whole new perspective on the creativity involved in designing something so small that we often take for granted!

    One thing I'll never take for granted is being well enough to eat (almost) whatever I want. Just look at that delicious falafel and salad - it wasn't so long ago where a dish like that could send me straight to hospital. This is a gratitude reminder for all of our digestive tracts, without which we couldn't live.

    I am also reaching the point where I get to finalise a name for this project (my baby!). Unfortunately I keep coming up with more names, not less! So I've created my first ever online survey for anyone who'd like to contribute votes or suggestions. The working title is "IBD Hub" but before I commit, let's see if there's a better idea out there, or if nothing beats IBD Hub after all! Please follow this link if you'd like to participate. It contains 6 questions and takes 2 minutes to complete :)

    Again, thank you so much to all of my donors, I honestly don't know how to express what your support means to me. I get teary eyed just thinking about it! If you've donated $100 or more and would like a copy of Claire Chitham's book "Good For You" all about gut health and full of life changing tips and advice about how to improve your health no matter where you're starting from, please email me directly at so I can send you your copy.

    Much love,

    Helen xxx

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  • Personal Hero

      22 March 2023
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    Hi everyone, big news!!! This is completely crazy but a personal hero of mine, Claire Chitham, made a video with me!!! After a severe Crohn's diagnosis years ago, she decided to do everything she could think of to heal her gut. She wrote an amazing book to share what she learned called "Good For You" which is full of excellent gut health info, all of it highly relevant to those with IBD, and also for absolutely anyone looking to improve their health.

    To show our passion for this work, Claire and I have teamed up for a special offer - if you live in New Zealand and donate NZ$100 or more to my project, you can get a autographed copy of her book for free (including those who have already donated!). Please message me or write in your donation comment if you'd like a book, and I'll contact you about delivery.

    I'm a bit embarrassed to share this video - I was sooooooo nervous, especially sitting next to a total pro (she makes this stuff look easy!!!). But if me being awkward on camera leads to helping more people, then sign me up...

    Helen xxx

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  • First Podcast

      2 March 2023
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    Hi everyone, thank you so much for your ongoing support and donations! Each time I see a new one I am rendered speechless, which if you know me at all, is quite a hard thing to do!

    I have two bits of exciting news. Firstly, I have finally figured out how to respond to all donations with a personal message of thanks. Your support truly means so much to me. Secondly, my first ever podcast was released this morning! I have practised Art Yoga for a year now, and my friend Dinny invited me as a guest on her podcast Art Yoga Pills to talk about my project. I was so nervous! If you are interested to hear more of my story, please feel free to listen here;

    Helen xxx

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  • New Computer

      4 January 2023
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    It’s been TWELVE years since I’ve bought a computer, and thanks to your help, that has finally changed! This is a crucial step for the project as my 12 year old computer can no longer receive updates in order to function properly. I can’t even use it to update this fundraising page! This new computer opens up a whole new world for me to start creating content for the future website - I’m so excited guys, thanks so much for your help!!!

    Helen ❤️

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