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Help a Stirling mate out!

  • Thank you for supporting Grant

      16 September 2024
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    Grant's Give a Little is now closing, thanks so much for all your support and generosity in helping create a bit of breathing room for Grant to focus on his recovery. It's fantastic to see Grant getting back behind the camera and progressing well, thanks again everyone for your support.

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  • Change of Payee

      16 September 2024
    Posted by: Givealittle

    As per the request of the family, funds will now be paid to Grant's wife Inge

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  • Grant is home and humbled by your support—almost a third of the fundraising goal reached in just a week!

      25 August 2024
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    Good news everyone, Grant is back home from hospital and very happy to be there! Not quite up to laps up Fringe (his local 800m climb) but possibly a short stroll down the driveway 😊 He has been absolutely stoked to hear from friends and loved ones from Nelson, elsewhere in N.Z and across the globe. In just one week Grant’s supporters have raised almost 1/3 of the fundraising goal. Thank you again for your love, generosity and for continuing to share this message.

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  • Unfortunately Grant Stirling is back in ICU

      23 August 2024
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    Wow! Thank you to everyone who has donated and is spreading the word to support Grant and his family. His remarkable story is here: . He is not out of the woods yet and is back in ICU after having a small heart attack (hopefully for a shorter stay this time). Our on-going support is very much needed - thanks again everyone.

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