This young Indian couple face deportation from NZ and permanent separation from their five year old daughter. They need your help.
A baby girl was taken from her parents in 2018 when she was eight weeks old because she was found to have multiple fractures and a brain bleed. Her parents took her to their GP because she was unwell. She was taken from there to Starship Hospital. She had no external signs of bruising or fractures and had been fully examined by her Plunket Nurse and GP in the previous two weeks. They saw no signs of any injury. The tiny, healing fractures and bleed were discovered only by X-rays and scans at the hospital.
The hospital child abuse team determined the injuries were non-accidental. The shocked parents had no explanation. Ultimately the mother was charged with injuring her daughter and sentenced to two years and seven months imprisonment. She was released from prison at the end of 2023. She continues to maintain her innocence. There are alternative medical explanations that were not considered at the trial.
The parents have spent many thousands of dollars on lawyers and immigration advisors. They still face deportation and permanent separation from their daughter. Most recently they have paid $11,000 to challenge the mother’s deportation. Please help them.
I am a former Race Relations Commissioner and voluntary advocate for the whānau in their dealings with state agencies. They approached me for help when they were desperate at the end of 2022. We are making progress but there's a long way to go.
Reimbursing the parents for the cost of their immigration lawyer. We will then look to pay medical experts and lawyers to clear their name, recover their daughter and stay in NZ to do so. We are not sure how much this will cost but will keep you updated.
Thank you 21 June 2024
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