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Help & Support Christchurch Mass Shooting Victims

  • July 2019 Update

      31 March 2020

    15.03.2019 – Our darkest day in NZ

    July 2019 Update – Alhumdolilah (Praise God) We have managed to collect and send almost $ 30,000 to the victims of the Chch massacre. This would not be possible without all the generous hearts out there and of course God’s help.

    We continue to pray for those who lost their lives and their families, may Allah make it easy for them. Ameen.

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  • Over $ 21,000 distrubuted

      22 April 2019

    The team at Jannah Road Charity was in Christchurch from the 18th to 21st of April 2019. With God’s help we have managed to distribute over $21,000 which includes $19,900 paid out from our Give a Little page after their fees of $1041.95. It was a great success and we reached out to more than 30 victims’ families and individuals in much need of urgent help.

    Thank you very much / Jazak Allah Khairun to all the generous donors that made this possible.

    We intend to keep helping the victims and their families as more donations come in. There are so many that need our continued support as they are not able to work and government support at the time of our visit was very limited.

    Please check our new Give a Little appeals for families in need.

    We will continue updating to keep you well informed.

    Again, thank you so much, together we can make a difference.

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  • One Victim and their family has been reached so far :)

      24 March 2019
    Main image

    Thanks to God - Alhamdulilah a total of $660 directly donated to our charity donation account (Jannah Road Charity Trust) with the ref "HELP VICTIMS CHC" by brothers and sisters has been given directly to one of the victims and their family.

    To protect their identity and privacy we cannot mention their names and where they are now (specifically requested by the family).

    However, they said "Jazak Allah Khair' - May God reward you better for this to everyone who contributed. We also passed your love and duas (prayers) to them. They really appreciated.

    Sorry we can't show any photos but Allah swt (God) is our witness which we think should be above any social media shares.

    Dear Supporters, we intend to give the amount has been gathering here evenly to the victims in CHC. No matter how much, we will have a team who will organise the distribution as best as we can.

    For us even one cent counts, so don't feel your donation is not good enough. In the eyes of God any goodness has value.

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