Help Anna replace school supplies stolen from her hostel

$150 of $2,000 goal
Given by 5 generous donors in 14 days

Help Anna's family raise enough money to replace her school laptop and other stolen items.


Anna is a talented football player who moved from Nelson to play for Wairarapa United and Wairarapa College. Just 5 weeks after she arrived, the one night she was out, her school laptop, phone, raincoat, chargers and other personal items were stolen. The school doesn't have insurance for the students' personal items. Help Anna's family raise enough money to replace her school laptop and other stolen items.

Kirsten Browne's involvement (page creator)

Anna is an infectiously sunny young lady who seems to take this minor tragedy all in her stride. Her Nelson-based family have taken a huge step sending her to Wairarapa for her final year of college and to further her football with Paul Ifill. I think this community can show her some love!

Use of funds

All funds raised will be used to replace Anna's school laptop, chargers, PIFA football team jacket and toiletries.

If Anna's items are recovered after this campaign ends or if there are any funds left over after replacing her equipment, they will go towards Anna’s hostel fees.

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Latest update

Still missing laptop  12 March 2018

Anna's iphone 4 and PIFA raincoat have been recovered. However, she is still missing her laptop.

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Latest donations

Paul & Elle
Paul & Elle on 09 Mar 2018
A fantastic young lady with huge talent - this is not the best start to her time here in the Wairarapa so any support to help show that we are a lovely community would be much appreciated :)
Sandra C
Sandra C on 09 Mar 2018
Turton family
Turton family on 08 Mar 2018
Gutted to hear but know that it will all come together!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 08 Mar 2018
Kirsten on 08 Mar 2018

Who's involved?

James McPhie's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of James McPhie on behalf of Anna McPhie
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This campaign started on 8 Mar 2018 and ended on 23 Mar 2018.