Help Audrey fight for her life with Immunotherapy. An unfunded drug that is used to fight Cancer
In December 2016 our worlds were turned upside down when after a long sickness of what we thought was phuenomia, Audrey was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer and given a 5% chance of survival, she then went on to undergo huge amounts of Chemo and Radiation therapy on her lungs and brain which was successful, what a relief! Again our worlds were shaken when after a routine mammogram in October 2018 showed that Audrey had breast cancer, she underwent a mastectomy and then had more chemo. Things were looking up.
As New Zealand went into our first covid level four lockdown after her annual CT scan, we were told that the Small Cell lung cancer was back, and things weren’t looking too flash but with sheer fight, positivity and courage she went through more Chemo and Radiation, the cancer shrunk.
January 2021 rolled around, and we were hit with the most devastating news yet. There was cancer in her lungs, brain, pancreas and now in December 2021, the cancer is now in her lympnodes. After 5 years of chemo and radiation, her body cannot handle any more. After meeting with her oncology team this week, we were given the heart breaking news that there is no more treatment that they can offer her through the public system due to her body not being able to cope with more chemotherapy or radiation as she has already had multiple hospital admissions this year.
But she is strong, brave and courageous and we are not ready to say goodbye. We have found another treatment that she can have through a private clinic. Audrey needs immunotherapy as a treatment option which will not be able to save her life, but would be our best option to slow the progression and would give her the best chance of living a longer, happier life. However, this drug is unfunded and can cost up to $120,000.
Audrey is my mother
Immunotherapy (keytruda) and any other alternative unfunded treatments like Vitamin C infusions.
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