Help Baby Joseph and his parents

$4,413 of $4,500 goal
Given by 224 generous donors in 12 days

Providing help for Raju and Valli so they can care for Baby Joseph while he is in hospital and recovering from surgery.


Raju and Valli moved to NZ to have a better life for their future children. Valli was 6 months pregnant when she arrived. She had a healthy pregnancy and delivered a beautiful baby boy, Joseph. The day after returning home from hospital, it was noticed that Joseph was struggling to feed, breath and was hard to wake. He was taken back to hospital and has remained there.

Joseph has been diagnosed with Coarctation of the Aorta (narrowing of the aorta) and VSD (a hole between the ventricles causing oxygenated blood to mix with deoxygenated blood and being forced back into the lungs). Joseph will have to undergo surgery and ongoing medical care.

Use of funds

Baby Joseph is going to be in hospital for a long time. Any money raised will be used to help support the family with day-to-day costs of having a child in hospital and not being able to work (Rent, food, petrol, parking, baby needs).

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Latest update

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28.02.24  28 February 2024

Today Joseph has been moved back to the ward. He is feeding and very alert. No complications so far.

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Latest donations

Alda on 02 Mar 2024
Good luck little man
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 Mar 2024
Thoughts with the whole family 🩵
Liz on 29 Feb 2024
You are in my thoughts xx
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 29 Feb 2024
Will keep him in my prayers and thoughts.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 29 Feb 2024

Who's involved?

Lisa Edmondson's avatar
Created by Lisa Edmondson
Paddda Raju Adabala's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Paddda Raju Adabala
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This campaign started on 20 Feb 2024 and ended on 3 Mar 2024.