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Help Bring Akuhata Home

  • Akuhata's Final Journey

      11 September 2024

    With full hearts, we share that we welcomed our beloved Akuhata back into New Zealand on the 6th of September. Seeing him return to his whānau was both overwhelming and comforting. After a short stay in Auckland, Aku was lovingly brought home to Mahia on the 8th of September, to his whānau marae, Tuahuru. On Monday, the 9th of September, we gathered under a warm, shining sun, with the sea glistening peacefully beside us, to say our final goodbyes to a beautiful soul. The setting was as calm and gentle as Aku himself, creating a perfect farewell for such a cherished young man.

    Words cannot express the depth of our gratitude. Every donation, message, and act of kindness has meant the world to us. It is because of your generosity that we were able to bring Aku home and honour him in the way he deserved. We will forever carry his smile, his laughter, and his spirit with us, and though our hearts ache with his absence, we find peace knowing we were all able to be with him one last time.

    Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini

    My strength is not as an individual, but as a collective

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    • 12/09/2024 by allana

      i know Akuhata will always be in your hearts and that the cherished memories you have of him as a loved and important part of your whanau will stay with you forever. my heart goes out to you all. stay strong. with kindness and respect

  • Thank you

      3 September 2024

    Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your incredible generosity and support in helping us bring Aku home. Your kindness has touched us deeply, and no words can fully convey how much this means to our whānau. We are overwhelmed by the love you’ve shown during this difficult time. As we prepare to reunite with Aku and make the journey to Mahia, we carry with us the warmth of your support.

    The world has lost a precious ray of light, and Aku's sparkle will be forever missed. Your contributions not only help us bring him home but also honour the beautiful soul he was.

    He aroha whāereere, he pōtiki piripoho

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