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Help bring my brother Matty home

  • Looking more like Matty

      27 October 2021
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    Hi team. Just wanted to send through this pic of Matty because he is looking so much more like himself and it just makes me so happy. Over 10kgs up since he got to a scary 39kgs earlier this year. Docs have a firm plan now and things are looking up!

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    • 27/10/2021 by Alesyia

      Hi Matty! I've been following your story since your amazing sis sent out a call for help and so many people answered that call - does give a bit of faith in humanity (and never underestimate sister love!)

      I'm sure your recovery is a long road, but really happy to hear that you're doing so well.

      Best wishes,


    • 27/10/2021 by Lorri

      Wow Matty, you are looking so much better than a month ago, so much better. I know you have a long road of recovery ahead of you, and it is good to see you off to such a positive start. Kia kaha,


    • 27/10/2021 by karen

      Looking good! Keep up the great work Matty & Hospital Team:)

    • 27/10/2021 by Carla

      Matty, you clearly are a fighter of note. There is a light in your eyes/ face that wasn't there before, and it is good to see it! Stay strong and persevere, you will get there.

  • Words from Matty x

      28 September 2021
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    Kia ora to all

    I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have donated. I am so very humbled and grateful to you all for playing a role in saving my life, helping me to return home to New Zealand and to cover the costs involved.

    I am now recovering and receiving further treatment to correct the surgery which was done in Poland. I have a long road of physiotherapy and treatment until a definitive surgery is performed later next year.

    I am working towards the goal of setting up a family home so I can have my wife, 2 kids, Sunny and Zuzanna, along with Max the pooch to join me here in New Zealand. They are currently in Poland as I try secure an MIQ spot and spousal visa for my wife Joanna and a visa for my stepdaughter, Zuzanna. Sunny is a holder of a kiwi passport and has his NZ citizenship but still needs to wait and make this journey with his mum, sister and his best friend, Max.

    This will take time due to COVID-19 and the travel restrictions and also be a costly process.

    I am staying positive, grateful and motivated and looking forward to a brighter future with my little family joining me here in Aotearoa.

    Many thanks again and any further donations will be used for the purpose of hospital fees and immigration and travel costs for my family to join me here in Godzone.

    Aroha nui to all,


      2 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 28/09/2021 by Jo

      So stoked for you! I don’t normally donate like that but your story really resonated! Loving the updates!!!

    • 03/10/2021 by Maree

      I am so happy to hear you are recovering Matty, I am Maree Mander, Pamm's sister living in Palmerston North. Sara you are a wonderful sister organising the Give A Little Page for your brother, blessings to you both. Get better as fast as you can and good luck getting your family back to NZ to become "One". Xx

  • Hoping to raise more for hospital bill

      24 September 2021

    Really don’t want Matty to carry this burden over him, so have extended the closing date.

    Update from Matty coming soon xx

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  • Thanks Ripu & // hello from Matty in hospital MIQ

      13 September 2021
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    Really lovely update written by Ripu Bhatia for Stuff. Thanks for your support throughout this whole journey Ripu. You’ve definitely played a part in saving Matt’s life & bringing him home.

    Thank you so much for the continued donations rolling in. Would love for Matty to not have this medical bill hanging over his head and just focus on his recovery.

    You’re amazing NZ, I’ve cried tears of relief and joy so much this past couple weeks! X

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    • 13/09/2021 by lynley wimsett

      Thank you Ripu for your lovely update, thank you for your ongoing support and your kindness toward me via phone calls over the last agonizing months, my daughter Sara began our givealittle journey for our Matty and at times it has been so overwhelming for our family,but now he is back home and in time we will all get to see him. As Mattys mum i have cried tears of despair and then relief and gratitude,Thank you everyone,Sean and the team at air ambulance and all the amazing medical staff who worked tirelessly to bring my son home.Once again to the amazing people of New Zealand and our global community who helped to make this happen,thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. Mattys mum Lynley.

  • Update & $20,000 outstanding hospital bill for Matty’s care

      8 September 2021

    Matty is now settling into MIQ in the hospital. His specialist is working closely with my mum and keeping us informed which is amazing after months dealing with a huge language barrier. Matty still faces weeks of recovery but he is stable. To think a few weeks back I was facing bringing my brother home in a coffin, and now he is here! I feel like words will never be enough to express my gratitude.

    The final cost of saving his life will be around $126,000. Repatriation during covid being the main reason it was so high. Due to the generosity of others we have been able to pay the majority of this. I still owe $2000 towards repatriation, and now the $20,000 Polish hospital bill we received when Matty was discharged. So we once again ask for your help.

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    • 09/09/2021 by Sean

      The Mission Media statement

      On the second of September Air Ambulance New Zealand deployed one of our UK based Emergency Consultants to Poznan in Poland to uplift Matthew for his repatriation to New Zealand.

      Our doctor,a fluent Polish speaker arrived to a very warm welcome by Dr Ledanowski and the team in Poznan and was kindly accommodated at the Hospital . We credit them with saving Matt’s life and acknowledge a balance of hospital fees remains to be taken care of which was surprisingly reasonable given the length of Matt’s stay and procedures undertaken.

      Matt and our Doctor escort first travelled by local Ambulance provided by the Hospital to Poznan Airport for a LOT flight to Warsaw where they linked up with our ICU flight nurse who flew directly into Warsaw from her London base.

      The team spent some time at the Marriot Hotel pre departure and boarded an Emirates Flight to Dubai where Emirates kindly provided Hotel rooms for the layover , this provided an environment where Matt could have his intravenous feed and a comfortable rest for the next stage Dubai -Kuala Lumpur for a tech-stop then on to Auckland.

      Matthew travelled without complication to Auckland.

      On arrival an Air Ambulance New Zealand -Transitcare Ambulance was on hand for a direct pre-approved isolation transfer to North Shore Hospital. This process was controlled by Auckland Regional Public health and MIQ very professionally.

      We would like to acknowledge the following people who have made this repatriation happen.

      The 2303 individual donors to Give A Little that stood behind Matty- you are our heroes.

      The Polish Hospital Doctors and clinical support teams.

      Dr Gillian Hood -AANZ Medical Director , Dr Marcin Sosnowski and our ICU Flight Nurse Georgie , the Air Ambulance New Zealand Medical team.

      Paula and Richelle at Sound Travels, Ian at Emirates Airlines for the trip planning.

      Aviation Security service.

      Aaron Nicholls of Nicholls Law for his support with pro-bono legal services.

      And finally, the hard-working team at MIQ and Waitemata DHB for their assistance in making Matt’s arrival home as smooth as possible.

      In this age of Pandemic , a global repatriation of this order is incredibly complex , and clinical staff undertaking these cases are required to endure stand-down periods and testing before resuming clinical work in their normal workplace.

      We are grateful this repatriation went so well.

      Lastly, some words from Matty’s sister, Sara. A huge thank you to Sean Coleman from Air Ambulance New Zealand and his team, we couldn’t have got Matty home without your guidance and support. Thank you once again to everyone who was able to donate or send messages of encouragement throughout the past few weeks/months. Absolutely blown away by the kindness of strangers who have rallied around us in a time where everyone is going through so much themselves. If this doesn’t restore your faith in humanity, I don’t know what does! No words can ever express our gratitude to the people of Aotearoa & around the world who helped save Matty’s life.


      Sean Coleman

      Director -Air Ambulance New Zealand

  • What’s next for Matty

      6 September 2021
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    Matty is now on his way to hospital for 2 weeks quarantine, and from there will continue his healing hopefully with his extended family around him. We are not sure if we can visit him at level 3 but we hope to. Huge thank you to Sean from air ambulance and his team who now have to quarantine also. We couldn’t have done it without your guidance and support. Thank you once again to everyone who was able to donate or send messages of encouragement throughout the past few weeks/months. Absolutely blown away by the kindness of strangers who have rallied around us in a time where everyone is going through so much themselves. If this doesn’t restore your faith in humanity I don’t know what does! No words can ever express our gratitude.

    Sara, Matt’s little sister x

      10 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 06/09/2021 by Naomi

      Welcome home to NZ Matty xxx

    • 06/09/2021 by Richard

      That's great news. Well done Sara.

      Get well Matty. (You've got a pretty cool family to get back to )

    • 06/09/2021 by Raewyn

      Well done Sara :) Welcome home Matty - you've made it!!! :)

    • 06/09/2021 by Wendy

      So pleased for Matt, you and your family. Have read every update since May, it’s been so awesome seeing so many people work together for a great outcome, take care Sara 🌻

    • 06/09/2021 by karen

      Beautiful, just beautiful. It's also a great uplifting thing for many to observe in such a time as this.

    • 06/09/2021 by Lynda

      Fabulous news. Please continue to keep us updated on Matts progress. Much Love to you

    • 06/09/2021 by Tracey Ellin

      Such good news! Well done on your fund-raising and best wishes for your family. Welcome home Matty 🇳🇿

    • 06/09/2021 by Tami

      I have tears in my eyes!!! I rejoice with you all for Marty’s return. Continued blessings for his recovery and sending abundant love to all

    • 06/09/2021 by Sarah

      Amazing!! Welcome home Matty I hope you get the see your whānau real soon.

    • 07/09/2021 by mary

      you are a miracle Matty......welcome home .......hope you enjoy some fresh air , sun on your skin and feet on the earth soon......

  • Matty’s plane has landed in NZ

      6 September 2021
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    Air Ambulance is waiting to transport Matty to quarantine in hospital. WE DID IT!!! He is home. Our family cannot thank you enough. You all saved his life xx

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    • 06/09/2021 by Pamm

      The biggest virtual hugs and blessings to you all. So pleased you are back here Matthew and so proud of your darling family who you know are all very dear to my own heart; as are you.

    • 06/09/2021 by Marise

      So wonderful, feeling a bit teary for your family!

    • 06/09/2021 by lynley wimsett

      I just spoke to my darling son, he is home, thank you wonderful people, without you all this would not have been possible,Matty is home. Mother cannot stop crying, overwhelmed with gratitude. He has just arrived at north shore hospital,we will have further updates very soon.

    • 06/09/2021 by Mikaela

      That is the most FABULOUS news which makes me very happy. I’m so thrilled for you all and I can’t imagine how relieved you must all be. Sending love 💗

    • 06/09/2021 by Jo-Ann

      This brought tears to my eyes!! So so happy for you all.

  • Update from Matty!

      5 September 2021
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    I made it safely to Dubai, on the home stretch friends. Thank you so much for bringing me home.

      9 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 05/09/2021 by lynley wimsett

      My darling son is almost home, thank you wonderful New Zealand.

    • 05/09/2021 by Mikaela

      That is SO brilliant. Not far now. I’ve never cared so much about the plight of a total stranger as I do about you getting back home 🙏

    • 05/09/2021 by Raewyn

      Wow Matty - you have come such a long way from a few months ago - this is the absolute best news! Like Mikaela, I have cared about your plight even though you're a complete stranger. I think you have almost the whole of Aotearoa wanting you home! :)

    • 05/09/2021 by Dale

      This is so good to see. I too have followed your plight and am so glad to see you on your way home. Such a difference from that first photo! All the best for making it safely to New Zealand and for your ongoing recovery.

    • 05/09/2021 by Jo-Ann

      Wow that is so good to hear! Praying that the rest of the journey home will continue safely for you and your support team.

    • 05/09/2021 by Christina

      So excited and happy about this! I get emotional every time I see an update that your nearly home ! Yay! We did it collectively team! As did Matty and his family a massive incredible effort from them. Lots of love from a complete stranger who cares. x

    • 05/09/2021 by karen

      Well done Matty & Team. Stay strong. 🙏

    • 05/09/2021 by Paula

      Fantastic news not long now.

    • 05/09/2021 by Theresa

      Hi Matty, so pleased to see you are coming home. Onwards and upwards. Best of luck.

      Theresa Gibson. ❤️

  • He is coming home!

      1 September 2021
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    Kia Ora friends & Whanau. So excited to finally share that Matty is set to fly on 4th September & will be back in Aotearoa on September 6th. He is having another blood transfusion today to ensure his haemoglobin levels are high enough, and he is travelling with an amazing medical team to ensure he remains stable throughout the trip home.

    I have been able to pay a large chunk of the repatriation bill this morning, and your continued donations will cover the rest. WE HAVE DONE IT NEW ZEALAND! He is coming home!

    Our family will never be able to express our gratitude to everyone who has shown Matty and his family support these last few months. Would appreciate your prayers now as he makes his way home. X

    Pic of us all from 2008 - Mum and her kids. Matty’s cheeky smile is the best.

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    • 01/09/2021 by Sarah

      Awesome news! Thank you for sharing. Sending good vibes for the pending travel home and wishing you all the very very best. Kia kaha whānau

    • 05/09/2021 by Naomi

      Thrilled to hear your journey home has started Matty safe travels your family will be sooo excited

  • Hi from Matty

      29 August 2021
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    Looking forward to coming home.

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    • 29/08/2021 by Sara


    • 29/08/2021 by Mikaela

      It will be so wonderful to hear that you’re safely back home. Hang in there Marty, you’re sooooo strong and almost there…. 🙏

    • 29/08/2021 by Janet

      Very pleased to know you'll be home soon. That looks like a promising mullet!

    • 01/09/2021 by Christina

      So happy you are coming home! It made me teary to read that latest update but in a good way! Sending Aroha to you. Kia kaha . Keep us posted on your progress. x

  • We don’t have enough to cover costs

      27 August 2021

    We don’t have enough to cover the $100k bill to fly Matty home. I wasn’t aware that give a little takes 5% fee, plus having already paid out close to $7000 so far in medical costs we are left short.

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    • 28/08/2021 by lynley wimsett

      Its Mattys mum,my heart is full,thank you all so much,the nightmare is almost over.God bless you all.

    • 28/08/2021 by Tai Ngatae

      Well that's gut wrenching! Is there anyway you can post a direct bank account in a message so any more money can go directly so another 5% isn't taken off any new donations? Would be happy to give another donation so he can come home x

    • 29/08/2021 by Christina

      Matty we want you back! Will be so happy to hear when your safely home. Have been watching your journey and adding what I can when I can. Sending love from a fellow kiwi. Remember your worth it. Come back safely! x

  • Finally, some good news.

      27 August 2021

    Thank you so much for the messages of support we have continued to receive and outpouring of love for our family over the last few months.

    We have finalised Matty’s medevac for in the next fortnight thanks to an amazing effort and support from the New Zealand Hospital and our Ministry of Health Border approvals team.

    Matt will evacuate with an Intensive Care Nurse and Consultant Retrieval Doctor on a commercial flight from Europe to be welcomed home into strict Hospital MIQ conditions. He is excited and looking forward to being home where he will have further hospital care to restore his body to a condition where he will be able to be discharged and recommence his life.

    The long hospital stays and multiple surgeries to save his life together with the relative isolation of being in a foreign hospital in a Pandemic has been a very difficult time for Matt and us as a family.

    We will be forever grateful to his Polish Hospital and Physicians for their care, but we need him home to continue his rehabilitation where family can (hopefully soon) be by his side.

    Resourcing a Medical team with the required credentials to bring Matty home has been quite difficult as most hospitals require staff to home isolate for 7 to 14 days after travel irrespective of borders being open – so naturally that costs more to allow for their time. We are fortunate that the primary Polish Speaking Air Ambulance New Zealand Emergency Medicine Consultant based in the UK has stepped in following the Level 4 situation in New Zealand stopping us sending across the NZ based team. A highly skilled ICU nurse joins him for the trip.

    As for the funds raised, we will experience some shortfall with hospital costs given the extra two months stay in Poland , and some additional expenses related to the medical teams UK location, work quarantines and travel changes so we have opened up donations once again. We appreciate all support as we close in on the final goal of getting Matt home safe and sound. Thank you to the kind people of Aotearoa who have helped us do this. Without you he would not still be here on this earth, coming back to his family.

    Thank you x

      3 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 27/08/2021 by Mikaela

      So great to hear this amazing news. You must be stoked to think he will soon be home.

    • 27/08/2021 by Sara

      so glad to learn all this. It would be lovely to see him again, if he is feeling a tiny bit better. compared to the very distressing original photo. making another tiny contribution tonight.

    • 28/08/2021 by Adam

      Thats such good news. Wish you guys all the best, you have made my day :) Hooray!

  • Matty update

      26 July 2021

    Hello friends, whanau & caring strangers. I had hoped by now we would be updating you with the good news that Matty was home, but unfortunately that is not yet the case. Matty has had to have further surgeries, endured complications from those surgeries, needs another blood transfusion and his haemoglobin level is not yet high enough to safely fly. On a positive note he has started physiotherapy and is now able to sit up unassisted. Matty has a fighting spirit, and I am convinced that the caring acts of everyone following his story has helped him profoundly. We are forever grateful for the kindness of others, and will keep updating as we have news. Sara x

      5 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 27/07/2021 by Steve

      Great to see he is making some positive steps towards recovery. Good luck to you all

    • 27/07/2021 by Karen

      Praying for you all from Nelson!

    • 31/07/2021 by louis

      Thanks for the update. I hope you and the family are doing as well as can be expected in these tough times. I know Matty will keep fighting. Big thanks to everyone who has pitched in to help and the messages of support.

    • 09/08/2021 by Vicki

      Was just thinking about Matty and how he (and your family) are getting on. I know from personal experience how hard it is being ill in other countries. I hope he’s recovering so he can come home. x

    • 16/08/2021 by Marise

      Hi Sara, how is Matty doing now? x

  • Latest update on Matty

      10 July 2021

    Just have to start off by saying I am sorry for the lack of updates lately. This whole situation has taken a toll on my family, it’s been all consuming. The latest news is that Matty is currently having a second surgery to remove another abscess. All going well we have a tentative date for him to fly. The logistics are very complicated due to covid and we are thankful to have the help from Air Ambulance. We are hoping to have him home by the end of the month. THANK YOU people of Aotearoa & beyond for your donations to bring him home. We are humbled and forever grateful for the kindness and empathy shown to Matty and our family at this time. We hope to have good news to share soon x

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    • 14/07/2021 by lynley wimsett

      I wish to say once again thank you to you all for the love and support coming our way for my son, its something I am unable to express into words at this present time. As his mother I feel totally overwhelmed somewhat with the ongoing anxiety and worry, I feel very grateful to my amazing husband who is there for me 100 percent. We know one day he will be back with us and that will be wonderful. Over the week end he had another big operation more than just an abscess at this time, one day with Mattys permission we may be able to share more of his story. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. From Lynley Mattys mama.

  • Urgent surgery for Matty

      27 June 2021

    We have been advised that Matty has had emergency surgery overnight to remove a bowel obstruction & 10cm abscess from his colon. We have no idea what the cost of this surgery will be. A kiwi shouldn't have to go through this so far away, he should be here getting the care he needs in his home country with his family by his side. We are waiting on confirmation as to when he can fly. Thank you NZ for your continued donations to bring my brother home. We hope it’s soon x

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    • 04/07/2021 by louis

      Keep up the fight Matty, were all wishing you well and sending our love and hope for a speedy recovery. Stay Positive mate

  • From Matty’s Mum

      22 June 2021

    As Mattys mum please know from the bottom of my heart how grateful I am. This has been such a difficult time for our family, having one we love dearly so unwell and so far from home. With gratitude in our hearts we thank you for the ongoing support to help us get our Matty home. With much love from Matty’s mum to our global community. Thank you

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    • 22/06/2021 by Suzanne


      Matty is a friend of my son Ed who now lives in Russia. It would be my worse nightmare to know he was sick over there, not getting proper treatment, and not being able to get to him. I really feel for you and am so glad Matty is starting to improve.

      Thinking of you all.


    • 22/06/2021 by lynley wimsett

      Dear Suzzanne,thank you for your message, it was very kind of you, I am Mattys mum,Matty is receiving excellent care at the hospital in Poland but every day the cost is mounting, he is far from out of the woods yet, we do not know at this point the final cost, some quotes are starting to come in and they are averaging a lot more than has been raised. Its a terrifying time,2 weeks ago we thought we would lose him. My son has the will to live and that we thank god for, much love.

    • 22/06/2021 by lynley wimsett

      Leaving a comment here for Marsha,I am Mattys mother, I found your question lacked empathy, you have no idea obviously what is involved getting a critically ill person home, our family is going through hell,2 weeks ago we were told he may not make it. My suggestion to you, do some research before you ask a question of a family who at this point in time is at crisis point. Have a good day.

    • 06/09/2021 by Theresa

      Hi Matt’s Mum, so pleased your boy is home. What a wonderful little sister he has.


  • Words from Matty c/o his sis

      20 June 2021
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    Matty wanted to say the doctors have given him the all clear to try food on Monday. It’s been weeks since he has eaten so care needs to be taken to prevent shock to the body. He has been fed through a tube in his neck since he was admitted. He is excited to try and eat. He wants to eat Vegemite :)

    We hope this means he will be able to gain some weight and stabilise his vitals enough to get on a flight home to continue his care in NZ where it is not a huge financial cost and he has the support of his family by his side.

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    • 22/06/2021 by Marsha


      I think you could call on any charitable foundation, similar to make a wish to do this for very little money. Why gas this gone up 4X what was originally asked for?


    • 22/06/2021 by Sara Tomlinson

      Hi Marsha,

      It’s gone up because the situation has changed, we thought it was as simple as him flying home alone to begin with but then the airlines refused him. Then we needed to fund a chaperone, then he was rushed to hospital and we were advised he would need a chartered flight and then now it looks like that will cost too much. It’s not easy navigating all this from the other side of the world with a language barrier, we have been in touch with many lawyers and the embassy and no one was able or willing to help. Now we are working with air ambulance and taking advice from them.

    • 22/06/2021 by louis

      So great to see you making progress and fighting your way back my bro. Keep it up and thanks so much to ALL THE AMAZING !! PEOPLE that have helped save a very special person and great friend We couldn't have done it without you. Kia Kaha Matty and the rest of the family. Love always. Louis

  • Latest update

      20 June 2021

    Thank you all for your ongoing support in helping us get Matty home. He is currently stable but not yet able to eat as he is suffering with cachexia and re feeding has to be slow. Your donations are helping to cover his hospital care until we can get him well enough to fly. Unfortunately it looks like it may cost upwards of $400,000NZ to charter a flight with an intensive care team so that is no longer an option. Please know your donations are saving my brothers life, and as soon as we have an official update on how we will get him home I will update here x

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    • 22/06/2021 by louis

      You should be VERY proud of yourself Sara, I sure am !!! You've single handedly figured out a way to save your brothers life despite all the challenge's, distance and difficulty in the way. Thank you so much for quick reaction to this tough situation. Best sister in the world ! lots of love , Louis, the Heaths and all of Matty's mates everywhere ;)

    • 24/06/2021 by Sara Tomlinson

      Thanks Louis, that means heaps xxx

    • 26/06/2021 by lynley wimsett

      Thank you to everyone for your ongoing support, just as an example I feel i need to share and I hope he doesn't mind. We needed a plumber urgently a couple of days ago and when he heard about Matty he chose not to charge us, he had been working here for a good couple of hours. Words are not enough to express the compassion, empathy and love we as a family are receiving from very close friends, family and perfect strangers, thank you so much, bless you all. from mattys mum Lynley.

  • Thank you 🙏🏻

      15 June 2021

    Just want to say thank you to all 1879 generous people who have made donations so far. This whole experience has made me see the world so differently. It’s easy to get dragged down in all the bad stuff, but there is SO MUCH GOOD. Kind caring people who are willing to help a stranger. Willing to help save someone’s life! It’s hard for me to find the words to say thank you, but just know my heart bursts with gratitude and love for you all. Every dollar counts in getting Matty home. X

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    • 16/06/2021 by mary

      wonderful to get the updates on Matty....thankyou

  • Matty is now stable

      15 June 2021

    Thank you so much for your continued donations and support. We had good news today and were told Matty is stable. A few days ago we were told it was likely he wouldn’t make it, now we have a chance to get him home. Your donations are saving his life and we are beyond grateful and humbled by the empathy and care shown by strangers all over the world. Thank you x

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  • Update on Matty

      10 June 2021

    Thank you so much NZ for your generous donations and kind messages at this tough time for our family. Matty is now in the cardiology ward in a Polish hospital, they are trying to save his life. Our options are a chartered flight home with an intensive care team which we cannot currently afford to do, or recovering in hospital in Poland so we can then get him on a commercial flight with a medical chaperone. Either way we couldn’t have done either without your help, so thank you from the bottom of our hearts for giving us hope x

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  • Medical chaperone

      5 June 2021

    We have been advised that it will cost a lot more than originally thought to get a chaperone to accompany Matty, as it needs to be a doctor due to the state of his health. Thank you so much for helping us, words cannot express our gratitude. You are saving his life x

      3 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 05/06/2021 by Shiloh

      How much more do you need to reach the target to get your brother home with a doctor as chaperone?

    • 06/06/2021 by Malgosia

      Hi there,

      How are you going about finding a doctor to travel with your brother as a chaperone?

      I am particularly touched by this story. I am Polish, I moved to NZ years ago and lived on the North Shore for 29 years. Currently in USA, still have a house in Sunnynook and am planning to come back in the near future.

      Warmest regards ❤️

    • 06/06/2021 by lynley wimsett

      To those lovely people who have asked questions, at this point in time we are not sure how much this will cost, after the reporter from stuff reported our story we were able to make contact with Air Ambulance Australasia and are currently working with them, he may be travelling with a paramedic. I am Mattys mother answering on my daughters behalf, we are hoping and praying it wont be too long before our nightmare is over, many thanks.

  • Travel chaperone

      4 June 2021

    We have found out we need to pay for a chaperone to bring him home as the airline won’t let him travel alone.

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