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Chris McBeth, needs your help to fund her Breast Cancer treatment

$2,877 of $70,000 goal
Given by 43 generous donors in around 12 months

I want to be here for my grandchildren, children, and my beloved. I am filled with gratitude - Thank you Thank you Thank you


Hello – my name is Chris McBeth. I am 59 years old; I am a Grandmother, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Aunty, Great Aunty, Mother in Law and Friend. And…. I have Cancer…. I need your help – we have enough finance to cover 1 month of a drug which is my best chance of getting to that beautiful point of Remission and hopefully a Cure (which will be indescribably fantastic). I am asking you to contribute any monies that you are able, to assist me. Perhaps you aren’t able to offer money; you may know me personally and have a talent, skill or service that we can utilize in a fund-raising way…Private Message me on FB – Whirling Rainbow. I will be helping alongside those whom have already offered to fund-raise through local Events.

You may also know me as Whaea Crystal, Whirling Rainbow and the Turquoise Babushka. I am many things to many people all over the World in my role as a Grandmother within Grandmothers Circle the Earth. I am a Reiki Master Teacher, Crystal Healer and complete both Spiritual and Card Readings. And…. I have Cancer….

I began my Dance with this illness in late May 2018 when it was picked up by my 2 yearly routine mammogram. Within the week I had been recalled and biopsies completed. Within 2 weeks I had an appointment at Mid Central Health. From there followed a whole series of emotionally draining, sometimes shocking news and findings… my final diagnosis is/was Occult Breast Cancer (this is where a Primary cannot be “found” or properly identified) and Secondary Cancers Stage 4 in my Lymph Nodes, Spine, Ribs and Pelvis. A further Biopsy identified that I have Breast Cancer which has metastasised into my Bones. I have had my Lymph nodes on my left Breast/Armpit area removed and have had a course of Radiation. I retain both my Breasts because there is no completely identifiable Primary and the removal of my left Breast would not have given me any “…survival gain…”

In July 2018 I began to take Tamoxifen as a hormonal treatment. My Tumour Markers have reduced from 211 to 68. The ideal number to reach is 25. (We all have these Markers, when I reach 25 my Beloved and I will dance with joy.)

On 4th April I also learnt that the Tamoxifen is no longer working!!! I have 5 Tumours in my spine and the pesky 1 at T4 has decided to change and grow.

I have been offered options – to do nothing and just keep up “surveillance” through Cat-scans, blood tests and regular visits to my Oncologist – to begin treatments of Chemotherapy - to take a funded medication Letrozole, (this totally inhibits Estrogen production) and we would see how that goes. My best “chance” is to combine the Letrozole with I-Brance which is not funded by our Government Agency – Pharmac. I-Brance costs $5900NZ for 21 days of tablets, 7 days rest from the tablets and then the cycle and the cost begins again.

I have radically changed my Nutrition - juicing, raw food all those things, I am currently walking 5km a day – 5 days week. I have a strong daily Spiritual Practise and apart from moments of "holy F*@K...” a positive attitude. I am working very strongly on living and trying to become Healthy, Healed and Whole again as much as I can.

I truly, and graciously accept your donation and am filled with gratitude. Thank you from me, Thank you, Thank you from my loving and supportive family/Whanau

Sheelah Ranson's involvement (page creator)

Chris is both mine & Michelle Peter's sister. To have any chance of surviving the breast cancer she has we need to raise $5,900 per month for the medication she needs - this fund is solely for the purchase of her non Pharmac funded Medication.

Use of funds

The money raised will be used to fund the medication (I-Brance) that Chris needs to continue to be here with her beloved Noel, grandchildren, Sons and wider family.

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Latest update


Good morning, recently I/we received the first monthly amount from all of you through Givealittle's payment Processes. With the monies we (Noel, I and Family) have been able to save my next month's amount of I-Brance is assured.

I am not sure if I am able to convey to you just how relieved I am and how yours' and their generosity has relieved pressure and stress from my body and mind.


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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 20 Sep 2019
Linda on 08 Aug 2019
With love from me to you xx
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 17 Jul 2019
With special love Chris xx
Brad and Susan
Brad and Susan on 05 Jul 2019
I missed your dinner but we'll have lunch when I'm in Aotearoa next year!! Hugs to you and Noel from both of us!!
Lilian, Chris & Family
Lilian, Chris & Family on 03 Jul 2019

Who's involved?

Sheelah Ranson's avatar
Created by Sheelah Ranson
Christine McBeth's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Christine McBeth
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This campaign started on 12 Apr 2019 and ended on 9 Apr 2020.