I want to be here for my grandchildren, children, and my beloved. I am filled with gratitude - Thank you Thank you Thank you
Hello – my name is Chris McBeth. I am 59 years old; I am a Grandmother, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Aunty, Great Aunty, Mother in Law and Friend. And…. I have Cancer…. I need your help – we have enough finance to cover 1 month of a drug which is my best chance of getting to that beautiful point of Remission and hopefully a Cure (which will be indescribably fantastic). I am asking you to contribute any monies that you are able, to assist me. Perhaps you aren’t able to offer money; you may know me personally and have a talent, skill or service that we can utilize in a fund-raising way…Private Message me on FB – Whirling Rainbow. I will be helping alongside those whom have already offered to fund-raise through local Events.
You may also know me as Whaea Crystal, Whirling Rainbow and the Turquoise Babushka. I am many things to many people all over the World in my role as a Grandmother within Grandmothers Circle the Earth. I am a Reiki Master Teacher, Crystal Healer and complete both Spiritual and Card Readings. And…. I have Cancer….
I began my Dance with this illness in late May 2018 when it was picked up by my 2 yearly routine mammogram. Within the week I had been recalled and biopsies completed. Within 2 weeks I had an appointment at Mid Central Health. From there followed a whole series of emotionally draining, sometimes shocking news and findings… my final diagnosis is/was Occult Breast Cancer (this is where a Primary cannot be “found” or properly identified) and Secondary Cancers Stage 4 in my Lymph Nodes, Spine, Ribs and Pelvis. A further Biopsy identified that I have Breast Cancer which has metastasised into my Bones. I have had my Lymph nodes on my left Breast/Armpit area removed and have had a course of Radiation. I retain both my Breasts because there is no completely identifiable Primary and the removal of my left Breast would not have given me any “…survival gain…”
In July 2018 I began to take Tamoxifen as a hormonal treatment. My Tumour Markers have reduced from 211 to 68. The ideal number to reach is 25. (We all have these Markers, when I reach 25 my Beloved and I will dance with joy.)
On 4th April I also learnt that the Tamoxifen is no longer working!!! I have 5 Tumours in my spine and the pesky 1 at T4 has decided to change and grow.
I have been offered options – to do nothing and just keep up “surveillance” through Cat-scans, blood tests and regular visits to my Oncologist – to begin treatments of Chemotherapy - to take a funded medication Letrozole, (this totally inhibits Estrogen production) and we would see how that goes. My best “chance” is to combine the Letrozole with I-Brance which is not funded by our Government Agency – Pharmac. I-Brance costs $5900NZ for 21 days of tablets, 7 days rest from the tablets and then the cycle and the cost begins again.
I have radically changed my Nutrition - juicing, raw food all those things, I am currently walking 5km a day – 5 days week. I have a strong daily Spiritual Practise and apart from moments of "holy F*@K...” a positive attitude. I am working very strongly on living and trying to become Healthy, Healed and Whole again as much as I can.
I truly, and graciously accept your donation and am filled with gratitude. Thank you from me, Thank you, Thank you from my loving and supportive family/Whanau
Chris is both mine & Michelle Peter's sister. To have any chance of surviving the breast cancer she has we need to raise $5,900 per month for the medication she needs - this fund is solely for the purchase of her non Pharmac funded Medication.
The money raised will be used to fund the medication (I-Brance) that Chris needs to continue to be here with her beloved Noel, grandchildren, Sons and wider family.
Good morning, recently I/we received the first monthly amount from all of you through Givealittle's payment Processes. With the monies we (Noel, I and Family) have been able to save my next month's amount of I-Brance is assured.
I am not sure if I am able to convey to you just how relieved I am and how yours' and their generosity has relieved pressure and stress from my body and mind.