Help Colette beat Breast Cancer!

$15,357 of $32,000 goal
Given by 103 generous donors in around 3 months

Help Colette beat breast cancer by raising money to get her access to an unfunded immunotherapy drug.

Masterton, Wellington

Colette has Triple Negative Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Triple Negative is difficult to treat because it has no receptors for estrogen or progesterone hormones or HER2 protein and is the most aggressive of breast cancers and is more likely to spread beyond the breast and return after treatment.

Until recently, the only treatment has been chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. However, there have been a series of trials overseas on an immunotherapy drug called Pembrolizumab which has shown can significantly increase a TNBC patient’s chance of a total response to treatment.

The treatment would commence with the 3rd chemotherapy dose and a further 3 doses (4 in total). Unfortunately as this is not yet publicly funded in NZ, each dose is over $8,000 NZD.

Anna Rutherford's involvement (page creator)

Colette is a friend and colleague.

Use of funds

Pembrolizumab - a not yet funded immunotherapy drug.

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“Oh- we’re halfway there!”  11 October 2023

Posted by: Colette Nickelsen

Hi everyone!

We’ll I’m still here and still chugging along!

I’m now past the halfway point with both chemo and immunotherapy. I’ve completed the first part of the chemo drugs which included a cocktail of flouracil, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide. After that, I’ve moved on to what my oncologist calls “the big guns”, which is docetaxel and carboplatin. I’ve now had two immunotherapy rounds which I get by going over to Palmerston Nth, every 3 weeks (on the Tuesday before chemo).

As strange as it may seem, throughout all of this, the main feeling I have is gratefulness. I really feel I have been so lucky in how everything has gone for me.

My family has been amazing.

I have one of the best oncologists in the country who readily answers texts and questions.

I have a lovely team of oncology and chemo nurses (6 of them) who make the treatment experience positive. There are all of you, who have been so generous in helping me lift some of this financial strain.

My work has been very supportive in helping me stay at work, but on a reduced load.

I don’t mind my bald head anymore!!!

Chemo reactions haven’t been as bad as I thought they would be.


I’ve done a lot of spiritual rumination and have discovered that despite facing terrifying circumstances, I’m reminded by how much love there is. I’m surrounded by it, and want to spend every day embracing that!

Thank you. Xxxx

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 26 Oct 2023
Keep fighting my friend! You're regularly in my thoughts xx
Pat on 26 Oct 2023
I am very pleased with your positive progress so far.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 11 Oct 2023
Best of luck! From Uma and Yasasi
Charlotte on 04 Oct 2023
Mike & Neen
Mike & Neen on 07 Sep 2023
You got this Colette! Here if need to chat, Love Mike and Neen.

Who's involved?

Anna Rutherford's avatar
Created by Anna Rutherford
Colette Nickelsen's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Colette Nickelsen
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This campaign started on 8 Aug 2023 and ended on 8 Nov 2023.