Connor has been selected to compete in the Zone Laser Tag Australasian Championship in Australia. We would appreciate your help.
Connor has been selected to go to Australia to represent New Zealand, and his home town of Dunedin, at the Zone Laser Tag Australasian Championship.
"Laser Tag?", You may say... "Is that really a sport??" Well yes! Competitive Laser Tag has a growing scene both nationally and internationally. Dunedin, Auckland, and now Christchurch have a strong competitive community and a representative body, Laser Sports New Zealand, helps facilitate events between centers. Connor and his team will be the first group from Dunedin to represent New Zealand internationally. He will compete individually, and as part of team events.
So more about Connor... I am writing this page because I am his Mum, and I would love to see him develop his skills overseas. He is 14 years old and has been a dedicated player down at his local Laser Tag League for over two years now. He has competed in two national invitational events, and recently a Christchurch event where his team took first place and he came 6th overall individually.
Connor is a great kid and is working hard to raise the $3000 or so he will need to attend the championships in Australia. He has been selling lollies door to door, and we are about to make up our first batch of cheese rolls. We are of limited financial means, so we thought if anyone would like to contribute to his cause, this page would be a good way to do so - and much appreciated.
More about Laser Tag... As a parent, I have found getting into the sport the best thing to ever happen to Connor. He wasn't much of a sporty kid, liked playing Minecraft and watching YouTube - probably sounds familiar to many! I worried about the amount of exercise he was getting and that he was missing out on the team building atmosphere that traditional sports offer. Connor started going to his local Members' night for laser tag after playing at a party, and two years or so later Connor is very fit and healthy on account of playing (intensely!) two nights a week. He has developed team and strategy skills beyond my imagination, and has become part of a supportive and competitive group of players throughout the country. If you think your child may be more interested in laser guns than rugby balls, I couldn't recommend the sport highly enough. It sure beats sitting home playing Fortnite, and most of all, it's excellent fun!
Thank you so much if you choose to support Connor's trip to Australia, I know he will do us all proud over there.
As Connor's Mum, I'm keen to help him to get to Aussie! Any money paid to his Give a Little page will go into a savings account set aside for his trip. This account is held under my name as he is under 18, as per the requirements of the site.
Funds will go towards flights, Accommodation, etc. Connor will be attending the trip with a team from Dunedin and Auckland.
Thank you so much! Very kind <3
Thanks so much! It certainly is an awesome photo. :) Hehe. The laser tag community is the coolest. :)