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Help Cooper fight lymphoma

  • Cooper is doing really well!!

      26 August 2024
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    We can’t say for sure yet that chemo is working, but Cooper is responding really well so far and has completely returned to his normal happy self. He’s back to playing HARD with his best mate and is even the one starting the play most of the time.

    We still have a long way to go but things are looking hopeful so far.

    Thank you again to all of you, I cannot express enough how grateful we are.

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  • Thank you everyone!!

      26 July 2024
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    To everyone who has donated so far: thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

    Cooper had his second round of chemo yesterday and is doing well, aside from a slightly upset tummy. We won’t know until six weeks into treatment if the chemo is working or not but we’re cautiously optimistic and his lymph nodes have gone right down which is hopefully a good sign.

    Again, thank you so much if you have donated - every single bit counts and I feel so blessed to be able to say that money will not be the reason we have to say goodbye to him!! I’m truly humbled by the generosity that has been shown so far, you are all wonderful!!

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